A gifted empath, energy sensitive, and clairsentient since young, I've honed my intuitive skills with psychic development by learning and using wonderful tools like professional astrology, o...
I am a clairvoyant psychic-medium and healer. I can provide readings via Oracle or Tarot cards with channeled messages and by reading the energy. I work on a psychic mediumship connection us...
Are you stuck? Want to make a decision but don't know how? Need to find some comfort and hope? I look forward to helping you find a way through life. With 25 years of experience as an intuit...
I have been reading as a psychic, clairvoyant medium for over 17 years professionally, including filming; book projects; corporate events; platform events, charitable events. Many fellow rea...
I am better known as “Scotland’s Flamboyant Psychic”, I am an internationally recognised British television Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant and Agony Uncle. I have connected and helped heal and...
I have been a medium clairvoyant for over 17 years. I specialise in the Rider Waite Tarot, the Crystal ball and ordinary playing cards. I also use the Pendulum. I received my psychic ability...
I am a Psychic, Clairvoyant Medium. I first became aware of my pyschic abilities when I was 4 years old. I didn’t know they were psychic abilities then, I just knew I had a benevolent figure...
I have a gift for Angel and Fairy card readings, that I would love to share with you, in a one to one reading. As a colour therapist I like to draw upon the energies of the rainbow, using th...
I am a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium. I work with my guides to connect to your energy, channelling messages that you need to hear as opposed to what you want to hear. I can be very black and wh...
I guess that I am not like any other human being, different perhaps :) I have been aware since I was a child that I am born to love and to share that unconditional love for any single being ...
I am an Intuitive, compassionate Psychic. I use various Tarot, Angel, and Oracle cards, which allow me to connect with you in readings. I read what I see, and feel, from the picture on the c...
I have been a practising Psychic and empath for the last 40 years. Life has whisked me through various adventures, and I've gathered a treasure trove of experiences along the way, all to bet...
I have always known since a child that I have a gift for reading various situations that occur in life and this is something that I have been lucky enough to be able to develop. I use my psy...
I'm a true Aquarian who has been in touch with my mystical side since I was 7. Spiritual experiences prompted me to study and gain qualifications in Tarot and Cartomancy, Runes, Dreams and ...
As an empath, I offer intuitive and psychic readings to serve as a vessel for guidance to help others. I have had my gifts since the age of 3. I have always been very sincere and inspiration...
I have several years’ experience delivering in-depth readings to a vast range of clients. My readings have been featured on television, as well as through social media channels and through v...
I like to give readings with Tarot cards and Angel cards and also use crystals during readings to enhance the experience. I like to help people to look further into any obstacles or blocks i...
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