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Caroline C - Pin: 500818

Caroline C - Pin 500818- specialises in psychic, clairvoyant, medium, angel-cards readings
Audio Intro
About Me

I'm an experienced evidential psychic medium. My natural mediumship abilities and purpose, is to give messages to you from your loved ones. My psychic abilities will offer insights on your own life journey. Honesty is crucial in my readings; I will share what I see, even if it's not what you expect. Yet, be open to delightful surprises. While I've known about my gifts since childhood, I have refined them through substantial development. I am also a certified Reiki practitioner. Remember, spirit messages may provide what you need, which could be different from what you anticipate. Connecting with many of you on this platform has been truly rewarding. Hearing your wonderful validations during our interactions brings me immense joy. A heartfelt thank you to you and your loved ones.

Contact Caroline C
Phone Readings
Due: 01/04 @ 12:00 (EST)

Caroline C offers a phone reading lasting 20 minutes for $29.95 with the option to extend for an additional 20 minutes for $25.95. Alternatively you can pay as you go with credits for $1.75 per minute.

IM Readings
Due: 01/04 @ 12:00 (EST)

Caroline C offers a chat session priced at 150 credits per minute

Email Readings
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Last updated: 31/03/2025 23:41:38
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Monday 31 March 2025

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About Me

I'm an experienced evidential psychic medium. My natural mediumship abilities and purpose, is to give messages to you from your loved ones. My psychic abilities will offer insights on your own life journey. Honesty is crucial in my readings; I will share what I see, even if it's not what you expect. Yet, be open to delightful surprises. While I've known about my gifts since childhood, I have refined them through substantial development. I am also a certified Reiki practitioner. Remember, spirit messages may provide what you need, which could be different from what you anticipate. Connecting with many of you on this platform has been truly rewarding. Hearing your wonderful validations during our interactions brings me immense joy. A heartfelt thank you to you and your loved ones.

Q and A
What prompted you to start giving readings?

I had a life changing moment when a spirit came to me to give very direct messages for his family. I'd never met him or his family before that moment. Its a long and amazing story that literally changed my life forever. Before that moment I can hand on my heart say I'd never thought about giving readings. I knew before I passed on messages again I fully had to understand what was happening to me and how and why spirit was now working in this way with me. So I went through years of development doing endless classes and courses. In person and online. These included the world famous Arthur Findlay Psychic and Mediumship college in London and Arthur Conan Doyle Centre in Edinburgh working under some of the most incredible world famous tutors. Then word got out I was being kept busy enough with readings that I was able to give up my career to focus on giving readings and healing full time.

What spiritual skills do you have?

I am a medium so connect directly with souls that have passed- this is my passion. My job is to prove that the soul lives on after physical death. I am also psychic and this allows me to look into your soul and can give details about past, present and future. I am also a certified reiki healer and also use trance in much of my healing work.

What tools do you use within your readings?

I use oracle/angel cards in most of my readings as well as a pendulum for those wishing yes/no answers. However as I am a medium I don't need tools to connect to spirit but they are a really useful guide particularly for psychic readings and can give extra information that sometimes isn't as clear with out cards for example.

When did you discover your gifts?

I started communication with spirit when I was 3 years old. I was a bit annoyed and scared about it to start with. My first experience was with my great grandmother who is my main guide. At first I didn't understand why she was there and waking me up in the middle of the night. Even detailing my disgust at this old lady to my dad. At first my dad thought i'd just made this person up until I could give him great detail about her. I remember the colour in his cheeks draining and he never doubted me again. As I got older I would see many spirits in other peoples homes. Often thinking how nice it was to see their grandparents etc but Id tend to keep it to myself. Then my psychic side really kicked in when I was in my late teens. It literally saved my life on more than one occasion. My friends really started to trust my view on things too and if I said I didn't have a good feeling about a place or person they didn't doubt me. I got the name as 'spooky Caroline' from a young age. With this being said I had worked hard for a successful career and I did not predict that early connection with spirit would in the end be such an important part of my future life.

What advice would you give to those customers contemplating their first reading?

Relax, maybe put on some of your favourite music. If you're looking for a spirit connection ask in your mind for your loved ones to communicate with me. Mediumship readings involve the energies of not only the spirits but also the medium and you the client. As a medium we raise our vibration to connect with spirits. However we require your participation in the process by acknowledging the messages that are being communicated. Please provide clear responses such as yes, no or unsure. Keep your mind open to who and what comes through. Spirits don't tend to give evidence that you'd expect or something that can be googled. Each medium has their unique ways of connecting with the spirit world we do not all work the same. We cant we are all different souls with different experiences and development stages. Mediums cannot guarantee which spirit will come through that is left to the spirit world. However mediums may have methods of requesting specific individuals to come through. In such cases they still need to provide evidence to validate the identity of the spirit such as personality trains, specific memories that no-one else could know. Psychic readings again - try and relax. Be open to what comes through. We can give validation about the past and present. The future however is guidance. We are still in charge of our own path and that also goes for others in your life. Everything is moving pieces and although as psychics we can see what's coming for you if you choose not to go down that path or don't do anything to bring that in then its not going to happen. Example being if you're desperate to meet a new partner but you don't leave the sofa then its simply is going to pass you by. Psychic readings are guidance but I believe you are still in charge of your own destiny. When a psychic is working with you keep your energy high and give clear answers. Sometimes we get really odd things coming through as way of validation - for example if you say no to something that I know to be true spirit will often give me something obscure but valid to show you not to doubt what is being said.

Latest Reviews for Caroline C (18)

What else can I say Caroline. You continue to spiritually educate, amaze, uplift and enlighten me and help me on my journey with life's challenges. Your a truly wonderful reader with a pure soul.


Caroline is an outstanding medium whose strong connection to spirit allowed me to have a brilliant reading with passed loved ones coming through with amazing and accurate evidence proving continuous existence of the soul. I can't thank her enough for all the valid messages/guidance passed on to me.


I highly recommend this reader. She is an excellent medium and provided me with insightful answers and spiritual evidence that helped me put some challenging concerns over a person of interest into a more understanding perspective. I chose to keep extending the reading as it was so beneficial to me.

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