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Angelic Light
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The Power Of The Word

17th May 2016
How often do we consider our language, our words and the language we use?

How often do we look at how it influences and affects us and others, how it affects how it alters our mood, our intentions, what we can and what we can do or intend to do?

As we know thoughts become words, words become actions and actions result in cause and effect.
So let us explore this further, a positive thought or word such as accomplishing something, doing something can have such a positive effect, I believe on and in our lives and that of others; it increases our self-worth, self-esteem and positivity which also leads us on to know that we can and will accomplish other things we set our mind to.
To the contrary thoughts which are negative, self-defeating thoughts, can and do have the opposite effect, which can result in us feeling demoralised, defeated, reducing self-worth, self-appreciation, thinking we cannot do something and we cannot complete things and are unworthy of doing things.

Let us look at another scenario, trying to do something or doing something.  Let us just consider those words for a moment or two.  Trying is obviously good, but one can always be trying and not accomplish what one has set out to do; whereas doing something brings about you are already doing it, in the process of, accomplishing it; totally different words, totally different energy attached to the words.  Yes, words have energy just like you have energy and can affect you and things you do, say think and do.

So consider your thoughts, words and actions very carefully, they are precious; counteract the negative or less positive thoughts with more positive thoughts.  I think of it like a swinging barometer + one side and – the other, when the thoughts are a minus I think of thoughts to put them in the + zone, same with words and actions. I change the energy instantly.
I believe there is a causational effect between what we think, say and do within our lives so if you wish to have a change in your lives, start at the basics, the beginning, the thoughts and then work forward, to thoughts, the actions the rest should follow, but be consistent.

Bring forth what you would like to achieve within your lives into you thought form but always remember to feel the emotion too.
What have you got to lose, you may have a new world to gain.

I believe, The Universe, is within you not outside of you, they also say that we mirror the universe, the planet exists of 70% water and our bodies consist of 70% water too, not a coincidence.

Start co-creating your tomorrows today, as all you have is the here and now, this is your reality, your future, your life to do with what you wish, nothing is beyond you.  The only thing that is beyond you is your thoughts, your brain, your mind, which tells you it is not possible. Take control, you are in control, be in harmony, lead the way, live the life you create.
Angelic Light

the power of words
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