Let me introduce myself. My name is Amanda Thew. I am fondly known as Mystic Mandy Psychic Medium. I grew up in Muskoka Ontario with my family and my mother who is also a gifted Psychic Medium and has always been my mentor.
After leaving home I struck out on my own in a career with racehorses. All while using my gift to guide me and to learn and grow. Throughout the years I have had many different experiences with spirit and being able to predict with accuracy the future. I also had a terrible habit of not listening to my intuition and this leads me to my story of how I crossed over to have a glimpse of heaven.
I would like to ask a few questions. Have you ever feared death? Do you have a list of Someday I will do...? I call this the back burner list.
Last question, how many of you have buried yourself in your work, or maybe a friend’s troubles, to avoid the troubles that were your own to deal with just to avoid it?
That is where my story starts...
I had left my career after 20yrs a well-paying job that I loved. Spent my savings foolishly, had a relationship that I thought may be the one end and the place I was living at sold. My beloved Chico had to move again, moving an older horse is stressful at any time so I feared I may lose him. My life was literally in upheaval. I was working two jobs that I hated, and took on a third, Bringing my average week to 80hrs or more. Instead of just dealing with my troubles.
I can honestly say if I had stopped and listened to my body and my intuition that it was trying to tell meto stop. I woke up feeling rotten every day, But no of course I didn’t listen. This is lesson 1 LISTEN TOYOUR BODY
One day at my 7am to 4pm job as I was finishing my shift, and I coughed. Being that I have suffered Bronchitis for years, I knew that the terrible taste in my mouth meant I was sick. That evening on my way to my third job I decided to park my car and walk, it was only half KM to the farm where Chico and my third job awaited me.
I went to find the boss and told him I was sick and was going home to my Buckleys and have a good night’s sleep and that I would be back tomorrow... Within 3 hrs from the initial cough and speaking to my 3rd job I now sounded like I had a bull Frog in my throat. I proceeded to walk home and go straight to bed. Between 10pm and Midnight I was up pacing the floorhaving difficulty breathing. I tried every home remedy known and drank a bottle of Buckleys. I went off to the hospital. After several rounds of steroids through a Nebulizer, I could breathe again, I was released with a notepad worth of prescriptions to fill, an emergency inhaler and exhausted. The drug store didn’t open till 8am and this was 3am. So, I decided to sneak home for some sleep before filling my scripts. The joke was on me. I barely slept despite my efforts and now it was going on 11 am and I was in serious distress. I called my friend to let her know I wasn’t going to make it to the farm to look after chico and her horse. She immediately asked what was wrong, knowing I never canceled. I told her I couldn’t breathe. She came and got me dressed and back to emerge I went. What I didn’t know tillmuch later was that if she hadn’t got me back to the hospital another hour and I likely would have been dead.
Fast forward a few hours later and the ER doctor was admitting me and putting me in quarantine. They could not explain what was causing all this trouble. They continued to pump me full of steroids to try and get the inflammation out of my lungs so I could breathe but nothing was working. I was admitted to ICU and my family called.
At this point seriously you would have thought I would wake up, But NOPE. As I lay there listening to the Doctor give my mother a lecture and telling her that they didn’t expect me to make it through another couple hours, A nurse came to put a second IV in to me. She was an older lady who had been around the block a time or two. I asked her what the heck I needed another IV for, and offered to show her how to work the one I had in if she didn’t know how.
At that point, time for me to get a lecture. She informed me that it was so when the first one failed and they had to get meds in me to save me that they would have a second one to go to. She also informed me that on a scale of 1 to 10 1 being dead and 10 running a marathon the next day I was at 0.5.. Yup, ok time to listen sort of... Needless to say I let her get the IV in.
After more steroids and high doses of antibiotics my condition worsened. They came to tell me that I only had two choices, a new breathing apparatus, that is basically life support minus the tube down my throat, or to intubate and that I would not be able to be put out to do so. I chose the apparatus. The best way to describe it is sticking a jellyfish to your face that forces air into you. You really have no choice with the way it works. Being claustrophobic and in distress, believe me I don’t recommend this for a good time.
I thrashed and ripped it off several times before. I honestly don’t know what happened. Suddenly, I was peaceful I was surrounded by beautiful fluffy clouds and the most amazing sunlight I had ever seen. It was incredibly bright and indescribably beautiful. I was no longer worried or afraid of anything, I was full of peace and Joy. I walked along a wide pathway of flat smooth marble stone slabs. Just full of joy, I can’t explain my joy. Finally, I came to a large door across my path. It was white with an intricate handle that had a huge olive leaf on it. I remember taking the handle in my right hand and pounding the door with my left, asking to be let in. I then heard a voice telling me NO that I had to go back. My work isn’t done yet.
I came to in ICU with my mom and brother standing at my bed side. My left hand was black and blue and I was so very mad. I couldn’t believe that I was back in that room. When I asked the doctors and nurses what had happened all they would say was I had put in a rough night. But no one could tell me what happened to my hand. I was there for another week and finally let out but like a fool I didn’t listen I relapsed twice more before I finally said OK universe I get it. Slow down and look after yourself.
I can’t explain what happened to me on that night, nor will I try. What I can say is this. If that was a glimpse of heaven, I am not afraid to die, because it is all that you read about. It is absolute bliss, Your worries are truly gone, You truly are at a level of peace that is beyond words to explain.
My outlook on life is totally different. I take chances I do the bucket list. No more backburners. I journal and express gratitude. I make vision boards and have a ton of joy in manifesting the items on it. I take time for myself, and I delete the negative people in my life. Life is truly short. I can say that.
My advice, stop complaining. Get off your butt and get living. If you want change or things to be different in your life it is up to you to do it. Not your friends, your family or your local psychic to make it happen, it all falls on you. One of my favorite quotes is “What you think about you bring about” so if you want to keep giving yourself stuff to complain about keep thinking that way. If you want joy, start thinking about stuff to be joyful about.
It is my sincere wish that all that this story touches brings you peace and reassurance. Heaven is truly real, and life is truly short. Live your best life.
Love and Light,
Mystic Mandy
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Divine - The Lies and Truths about Manifestation Part 3 & 4