Angel Message for March 2025
This month I have done an Archangel Oracle Card Reading to see what messages of love wisdom and guidance you receive for March. The Archangels who came forward are Archangel Michael, Archangel Orion, and Archangel Charity. Three powerful Angels.
Archangel Michael is coming in to give you courage and strength. He is telling you to stand firm and trust in your ability to overcome any obstacles not just for March but in general. Michael is also encouraging you to pursue your goals for 2025 with courage. Is there any negative influences or relationships holding you back? If the answer is "YES!" now is the time to cut those ties. (Remember these could be plutonic relationships.) Call upon Michael to help you in clearing your path. Also, you are being promoted to get a Smoky Quartz Crystal to help clear the negative within and around you. I have a smoky quartz Crystal not only because it is Scotland's national jewel but to help clear the negativity.
Archangel Orion is coming in to give you wisdom and enlightenment. It is the right month to start a new learning journey. You can keep it simple by reading a new book, meditating or taking an online course. Remember to be open minded about your new learning experience. You maybe want to learn about Angel Healing or Angel Cards. Try and take time this month to connect with the Angels by meditating. Allow Orion's energy to connect you with and awaken your inner wisdom. Orion is with you as a reminder you that your intuition is a powerful guide. Trust your instincts and listen to the quiet voice within. I personally call upon Orion when I am learning something new because he helps me to retain the important information.
Archangel Charity is coming in with compassion and generosity. Remember to practice kindness. With the current world situation have you forgot recently? If the answer is "YES!" Then engage in acts of kindness, these don't have to be grand gestures. Charity reminds you that even the smallest gesture can make a significant impact. You also must nurture yourself this month. Take time for self-care and self-love. Do something that simply makes you happy. For example, having a costa coffee in the morning makes my soul rejoice, what makes you happy inside?
As you move through March remember you are being guided by the Angels...
Speak soon
Robert Lee
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Divine - The Lies and Truths about Manifestation Part 3 & 4