I have a gift for Angel and Fairy card readings, that I would love to share with you, in a one to one reading. As a colour therapist I like to draw upon the energies of the rainbow, using th...
I'm a gifted clairvoyant and clairaudient psychic with a natural ability to receive messages. I absolutely love delivering email readings which are my speciality, although I am amazing on th...
I am a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium. I work with my guides to connect to your energy, channelling messages that you need to hear as opposed to what you want to hear. I can be very black and wh...
I have 30 years of experience doing psychic readings professionally. I can help you with all of your questions about love and relationships, career and prosperity and many more things. I com...
I guess that I am not like any other human being, different perhaps :) I have been aware since I was a child that I am born to love and to share that unconditional love for any single being ...
I am an Intuitive, compassionate Psychic. I use various Tarot, Angel, and Oracle cards, which allow me to connect with you in readings. I read what I see, and feel, from the picture on the c...
Are you stuck? Want to make a decision but don't know how? Need to find some comfort and hope? I look forward to helping you find a way through life. With 25 years of experience as an intuit...
I have been a practising Psychic and empath for the last 40 years. Life has whisked me through various adventures, and I've gathered a treasure trove of experiences along the way, all to bet...
I have been a reader for many years and have built up a strong reputation as an empathic reader. I deal with all sorts of complex issues whether it be work matters to love relationships. I a...
I am a Tarot reader, have spirit guides and am a natural empath. I am an expert in the twin flame connection and specialise in love and relationships as well as giving general readings. As a...
I’m a British TV psychic reader with over 35 years’ experience. I work solely with my spirit guide to provide the insight and guidance required. When I start a reading, I feel the most impor...
I am a Mystic. I hear, see and feel God and Spirit. I’m an inheritant of a mystical lineage thousands of years old. I link to your voice and read without tools. I’ve read professionally for ...
I have always known since a child that I have a gift for reading various situations that occur in life and this is something that I have been lucky enough to be able to develop. I use my psy...
I am a gifted psychic with clairvoyance and I am a natural medium. I have worked for over 35 years and featured in 'FATE' and 'Womans Own' magazines. I use the cards plus my inner wisdom to ...
I'm a true Aquarian who has been in touch with my mystical side since I was 7. Spiritual experiences prompted me to study and gain qualifications in Tarot and Cartomancy, Runes, Dreams and ...
As an empath, I offer intuitive and psychic readings to serve as a vessel for guidance to help others. I have had my gifts since the age of 3. I have always been very sincere and inspiration...
When you reach out to me, you're not just booking a reading; you're connecting with a dedicated Tarot reader who genuinely cares about your journey. My approach to Tarot is deeply personal, ...
I'm a professional clairvoyant with a vast amount of experience. I'm extremely intuitive and can pick up around situations using words and signs that come through as part of my intuition. I ...
I’m a World-renowned Psychic Medium with 40 years’ experience. Whatever your question, I will answer it reading your soul energy, Tarot or asking guides. (see profile video). I am featured i...
Greetings, I am a Psychic Medium who also uses Tarot, Oracle, and Goddess cards to channel messages from Spirit. I offer a kind and compassionate ear, with my unique Oracle spread and I refu...
Aloha~ I am an Akashic Records reader with over 35 years’ experience in accessing your Soul and its path. Utilising my natural born gifts I can assist you on the path with answering those de...
I have been an international Tarot reader for 20 years. I work with the Tarot major arcana and my spirit guide. I can answer any questions regarding love, relationship, work, and much more I...
I'm a 3rd generation Psychic Clairvoyant. I've been doing readings for 20 years and have helped a number of my clients to surface from the drowning waters in their lives. I knew as a child t...
Love and light to you. I like to give readings with Tarot cards, Angel cards and crystals during readings to enhance the experience. I like to help people to look further into any obstacles ...
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