You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the 7 of Pentacles. The 7 of Pentacles tells you that this is a time of risk and security. You now need to reap what you sow. You've been fed up. You're being urged not to give up at this point, you're doing very well. You've had to work extremely hard for your money and it's time for you to harvest and to take a financial risk. You need to make an investment somewhere else as well as keeping up what you're doing at present. Now you can only invest a tiny amount, nothing more than you can afford to lose. You could lose quite a little bit but you're being urged to have a go and to stay with the rest of what you've got. This deals with financial transactions and shows that you must win a few and lose a few in order for you to expand your horizons and your knowledge of the material side of your finances. It's about using a small amount of money and investing in something to see if your money can work for you instead of having the physical hard graft of having to earn it by yourself. The pentacle family is earthbound and that deals with our goods, possessions in one way or another. It's about the things that we work hard at and how we earn our money where we've worked hard enough. Things happen slowly for pentacle people. It shows that this is an acquired slow skill, anything with major finance usually is. You will always put your financial security first; for you, seeing is believing. You're quite rooted and earthbound. The Wheel of Fortune is explaining that this is also time for you to expand so these two cards are talking about the goodwill, contentment of growth and energy. Now the Wheel of Fortune is a lucky card and it deals with the planet Jupiter which is about the luck that comes and goes around. It is your turn. you're in the right place at the right time right now and the next two to three years are very lucky for you from now on so this is the time for you to think of this as fate and for you to grab every opportunity you can to make the most of your finances and your good luck for the Wheel of Fortune is spinning in your favour.