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Hugo - Pin: 500180

Hugo - Pin 500180- specialises in tarot, psychic, clairvoyant, medium, spirit-coach readings
Audio Intro
About Me

I am an intuitive-sensitive empath, psychic and clairvoyant with over 25 years' experience in Tarot reading. I love helping people to connect to the insights of the cards, of spirit, and of their higher selves. As an empath, I approach every reading with patience and compassion. I look forward to taking your call!

Contact Hugo
Phone Readings
Due: Today @ 20:00 (EST)

Hugo offers a phone reading lasting 20 minutes for $29.95 with the option to extend for an additional 20 minutes for $25.95. Alternatively you can pay as you go with credits for $1.75 per minute.

IM Readings
Due: Today @ 20:00 (EST)

Hugo offers a chat session priced at 150 credits per minute

Email Readings
Currently Unavailable

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Last updated: 29/03/2025 18:30:17
FebMarch 2025Apr
Saturday 29 March 2025
20:00 - 21:00
About Me

I am an intuitive-sensitive empath, psychic and clairvoyant with over 25 years' experience in Tarot reading. I love helping people to connect to the insights of the cards, of spirit, and of their higher selves. As an empath, I approach every reading with patience and compassion. I look forward to taking your call!

Q and A
When did you discover your gifts?

When I was 11!

How long have you been giving readings for?

Nearly 28 years, but only about three years publicly!

What’s your most memorable psychic experience?

I couldn't pick just one!

What advice would you give to those customers contemplating their first reading?

Remember that your free will is part of the universe, and that everything is connected: every influence receives your influence in return!

What prompted you to start giving readings?

I realised that I could help people, and that, as I could help, I ought to!

What spiritual skills do you have?

I am an empath, psychic and clairvoyant! And of course, I read the cards!

Why should a client choose you for their psychic reading?

To this, I would answer that many of those who consult me regularly are themselves psychics and empaths, and have sensed that I would be the best reader to consult even when my profile has not been as prominent as others', and despite my hours making me less convenient to consult than others, so without wanting to sound conceited, I seem to be "the psychics' psychic"!

What tools do you use within your readings?

The Rider-Waite Tarot deck! I know some readers prefer to use more than one deck, but my view of this is that when doing readings over the phone, particularly, it's helpful if the deck used is the one most archetypically present in the querent's mind as the image of the tarot, and for the majority of people, this will be the Rider-Waite deck!

Latest Reviews for Hugo (8)

Wonderful! Intuitive, compassionate, intelligent and articulate. Highly recommended. We’ve spoken a few times over the years and counsel is and has been invaluable and spot on. X


Always the best...he is reliable! I should have put way more reviews because I call him regularly since 2020. Hugo is the best.



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