You have chosen the Sun and the 6 of Pentacles. This is a truly wonderful card, for the Sun card is getting in touch with who you are as a person. Your confidence is growing and you are realising that you can invest in yourself for your future, the things that make you happy. The Sun card is about the male, logical, practical happiness that comes from within you. It's certainly a time to be confident and realise that you can expose your full potential by passing things such as exams or going on to succeed in places that previously you would not have had the confidence to do so. This can be to do with establishments such as work, university, college, further education, or where you want to invest upon having a family unit around you, so it's the going on to be married or having a family. It's the inner child inside yourself that makes you feel that you need the togetherness of being happy, belonging to a pack of humans. This can be to do with a family set up, your immediate family, or it can be within an environment where you're with like minded people who have similar interests. You're being asked to look at receiving help from others. You may be moving but at the same time money is going out extremely quickly and not coming in quite as fast. You're being asked to be humble and to look at what really matters. You may have struggled to get exactly where you are but do not feel degraded or demoralised. You must continue to go after what it is you truly want. You're someone that's very practical and can see life from a very sensible viewpoint. By keeping your feet firmly like this on the ground you'll go on to solve any obstacles that come in your way with a very practical approach. This is the way to succeed so keep adapting this down to earth attitude and do not be shy when others offer you a helping hand. Enjoy it and take it. It's part of being a community or involved with people who are happy to help. Your workday matters are definitely growing and the attention from people around you gets you noticed where it matters. It's all about having a nice easy going attitude that brightens up your approach to what can sometimes be difficult times. You've been prepared to invest in the present so that you've got a rosier future. Just notice that, although finances may be tough, the people around you are very, very important and try not to ignore the humblest of things such as the hand of friendship, or like-minded people who are going the same way as you are.