What advice would you give to those customers contemplating their first reading?
If it is the first reading then tell me nothing! I struggle when people want to give me their life story before the reading as all this does is muddy the waters. I will tell you as I don't do 'fishing trips'. Any reader who is pumping for questions is not reading the cards, they are reading you. Therefore ask yourself what do I need to know if unsure of the question(s). I explain that I keep two identical decks, one for general reading including the background check and the other for specific questions. Humour is a great way to bring down barriers and make people feel at ease. Delivery is important as to how you say something versus what you say, also context.
What do you do for fun outside of psychic readings?
Well, walking amongst our ancient stones, taking in the energy of the land and its history by being able to sense vibrations and seeing the different colour spectrum. Visiting Medieval Churches tracking the families connected to the Templars and Masonic connections using the symbology contained within both the Tarot cards and stain glass windows. I read a lot besides study and enjoy Alternative History, Law/Lore, Archaeology, Medicine and Politics with good comedy too; a true Ancient Way of the Path Follower. Also camping and motorbike rallies for fun. Attending and working psychic events and being a Speaker too. I enjoy going to various conventions and dining out with a very special man in my life.
What prompted you to start giving readings?
I felt I could be of benefit for those parties not being able to see what they really needed to know. I would not give a fake reading as it goes against the grain of who I am and from whom I descend. There is no Tarot Standard in the UK and this can lead to the industry as a whole being given a bad name from those who are the real deal to those on the make and take. I have worked various events over the years and enjoyed the freedom it gives, the travel to meeting people from all walks of life. Giving people new coping skills, allowing themselves to see another way forward. Yes there will be those who one can not help as they may already be predisposed. Some people will use the Craft as a crutch and see themselves as entitled when not so, therefore be choosy as to who you are drawn to. Always take your time.
What spiritual skills do you have?
Claircognizance (knowing) - If I can see it then I'll move forward. Clairvoyance as in for me it's often like sitting in an empty theatre alone and watching a silent film with you in lead. I also have Clairalience where certain smells appear around me. Clairsentience - it's that feeling you get when you know... Empathic with strings as to how to block out the 'Psychic Vampires' and yes they do exist.
What’s your most memorable psychic experience?
Difficult to list out as there is good bad and indifferent, also certain matters need to be taken to the grave. So thinking hard about this I suppose doing Edge Media TV as was and reading PG's cards live to air including the reversed meanings (all 78 cards back-to-back). I learnt afterwards we broke every rule under the sun as apparently you are not allowed to do that in TV land. I would never move the cards to an upright only position as that is not a true reflection of life.
When did you discover your gifts?
Strange as I thought everyone was the same... How wrong was I, so officially it would be 2002, whereas unofficiailly all my life. I had the imaginary friend as a child to kids being wary of me for no reason. I learnt to enjoy my own company and create my own environment. I do learn differently being left handed and as such am accustomed to parties looking to demonise the same hence today I couldn't care less. The Convent proved that latter point, when not the SS in Drag.
Are you typical of your star sign? If so, how?
Yes, as I don't suffer fools gladly. I have always had the ability to see if something will work especially in business matters. I am known for being forthright but honest in my approach. I am not afraid to say if I don't know either which stops any potential 'fakery'. Communication in all areas is the key and speaking to someone on their level as in to them not at them is part of the course.
How long have you been giving readings for?
The 1st time was using ordinary playing cards in 1983. I scared myself and then did not pick up again until the late 1980's. I was given a 1971 Ryder-Waite Tarot deck in 2002 and have never looked back. I started out doing face-to-face readings which will always be my favourite way.
What tools do you use within your readings?
I use the Ryder-Waite Tarot only. I get little or nothing from other decks and so stick to what I know best. I have long researched the Tarot and enjoyed the journey through history identifying the players. The background check is the most important part for me as to the precursor as this gives me the insight I need for the main reading. I explain I do this first then it's a case of specific questions or I run the balance of the cards.
Life experiences can be drawn upon including the old ways namely gypsy. Employment Rights suggestions based on being a former Shop Steward for the T&G. Growing up in a legal environment has allowed me to understand how people can be faced with bias to prejudice. My late father was a Jack of all Trades and Engineer. My background in Marketing in particular Advertising. From being a Director in my own right to scrubbing floors - I'm no snob. Identifying Abuse and passing on new skills. Having a strong connection to nature and animals helps. The cat used to enjoy the readings.
Why should a client choose you for their psychic reading?
I read as a story book like our ancestors did. It doesn't pay to try to blind side me. Do you have a pressing need for some form of truth or would you prefer to be told what you want to hear? I go by the cards and my intuition to give clarity wherever possible. I see patterns and connections from the one you should have in your life to those who are wolves in sheeps clothing. There is no need to be afraid of the truth but there is to be ignorant of it and to keep making the same mistakes. Everyone evolves at a different pace, sometimes it really is a case of not being ready. With age comes experience of life and that additional experience brings forth renewed confirmations, including suspicions. Guidance can take many forms but honesty only takes one. Keeping an open mind goes a long way as to identifying solutions. I will listen to you after we've covered the actual reading and take it from there. Laying down the balance of the cards will reveal a much larger picture and the story with it. I cover family/love life, work as to changes in direction and who is in the shite and how deep as to a simple heads-up.