You have chosen the Sun and the 6 of Cups. The 6 of cups shows that this is a nostalgic card from the past. A time of looking back to your childhood. Perhaps you were feeling lonely for your family and reminiscing. You might have wanted to be a child again and want your childhood back because of the memories from the past. The Sun card is also linked with children and the inner child within us. It's a lovely card and you've drawn it. The Sun deals with the male logical practical happiness that comes from being part of a family where your happiness is fully exposed. This would be an excellent time to get in touch with your inner child. What that means is the true qualities of what makes life happy for you. This can come out from hobbies to relationships to careers and aspirations which make us truly happy and feel that we are a unique and talented individual. There may be marriage or children involved with this card. Whatever you do it is now a time for success. If you are thinking of taking a course or going to university for further education, or simply a career change, now is the time to do it. You'll find confidences within yourself, a part of knowing who you are which makes you a unique individual. This is what happiness is about. You'll find contentment and satisfaction by knowing who you are and what you want. This confidence shines through to others so any work matters will go from strength to strength. You can now truly be part of a loving relationship, even if this is just linked with family or friends because you are able to know what makes you truly happy. Be yourself and you won't go wrong. You must try to express your creative ideas which show that you are an individual and you must dare to be true to yourself. This is where your natural talent comes through and attracts like minded people towards you which goes on to building on the happiness, because you have been true to yourself and others around you.