You have chosen the Star and the 8 of Pentacles. You are someone that should be self employed, for you're very talented. You're very good at earning your own money, for you have physical and creative skills that are best involved in any training where you can make a monetary gain. It's time for you to look at how to learn to make all these wonderful skills pay their dividends for you. The Star is a card that's about your wishes and your fulfilment of your wishes for it deals with our hopes and aspirations for our world and the principles and ideals that we have within our life. It's a lucky card where you test new waters very gently. It links to our social life and the standing that we have within a community, where we keep one foot firmly on land test new waters very, very gently. It's about what makes you happy and what you've wished for yourself and realising that people do not come along and just grant wishes. You have to be dedicated and emotionally attached to something that you love and care about and then you have to work hard at it to make your dreams come true. It's not a case of a magic formula arriving in your lap and making things just turn into what you want. The 8 of Pentacles is the card of the self employed, it's about making your money via your own skills. Working alone, training hard, learning to do something, being very skilled and carving out your own future. You must stand out from the crowd, for you must make sure that you're investment into your project is believing in your own abilities and your own creations. It's about being optimistic and daring to be different. The more daring you are the more you'll be noticed for this is a sign of originality and you've approached things with a traditional background but realising that you've breathed some fresh new energy into the project which is what is making you stand out from the crowd.