You have chosen the Lovers and the Queen of Cups.This is a card of communication and the physical attraction and the choices to be made within a relationship. Usually there is some obstacle involved within the relationship for this is the card of temptation. It shows that you're communication is excellent but that sometimes you can be a little bit too loving, caring and compassionate with everybody maybe your partner feels that you need to show them a little bit more attention for you are someone who has a balance and a creative style with a good eye for detail. You are someone that's mature beyond your years and others may see you as being a little aloof for you do command the respect of those around you for you feel that you have mastered the right to do so. Maybe you're someone who expresses their creative side and their emotional side with everything that they do. However your partner may feel that there is no time involved for them. It is simply a case of communication and sorting out a balance so that things are fair and square. It is important to have your own space but you must take time and the trouble to keep working hard at the relationship and not take it for granted. Relationships are hard work and you must constantly put a spark so the relationship continues to remain strong. It is hard to constantly work at happiness and harmony of being with someone for some time, so the difficulties you may be facing, are to do with the fact that maybe you are taking each other for granted and expecting that the other person should know the duties and obligations are at times, so consuming that there is little time left for love and romance. It is important to realise that this person may feel that they are being taken for granted and forgotten and pushed back while other things take priority. It is a time to review your complete circumstances so that you feel that with a little communication between the two of you this matter can easily be resolved with just remembering to make time for each other.