You have chosen the Lovers and the Knight of Pentacles.The Lovers is a card of communication and it deals with short journeys that go on in our life but it is to do with the major physical attraction and the choices to be made within a relationship. There is usually some sort of obstacle within the relationship for after all this is the card of temptation. The temptation in this case is that you have your feet firmly planted on the ground when it comes to matters of work and finance but that you do not get on with things very quickly at all for you are materialistic and quite earth bound. You work slowly and things happen gently for you. You have to put your financial security first and you are quite rooted and earth bound and set in your ways. You have fantastic meticulous attention to the smallest of detail but you are materialistic. You may be involved in training for new courses and because of your attention to detail you will do well at work but are you paying enough attention to your relationship or are you simply taking matters for granted. This person you are with needs constant reassurance, same as you will too, that things are ok. Relationships are hard work and we all take them for granted. We need to constantly reinvent ways to stimulate and put back the sparkle and communication that is so vital for two people going separate ways at work and having separate lives as a human being and coming back together as a couple. If we take each other for granted we'd be going our separate ways for one person feels unloved and that communication has broken down. When this happens arguments, misunderstandings start to occur. If you truly want this relationship you must make time to reinvent ways of spending some quality time with the person you truly want to be with. It is simply a question of choice.