You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 10 of Swords. The 10 of Swords shows that things have been tough. you've been humiliated, betrayed and feel that you're wiped out, exhausted, mentally drained. This is to do with large groups of people. There's nothing physical in your loss, it just feels that you're being made a scapegoat and stabbed in the back by people that you thought better of. Well the Hanged Man is here for you to look at things differently now for the Hanged Man sees life from an altered angle. It works with the planet Neptune which deals with the expressions that we have and the imagination of what we want within our life. you're being asked to look at your dreams for the future and the visions of how you see it will be, time to reflect upon your past and realise that the people around you are no longer productive and that you must move forwards so you're being asked to look at life from a complete different perspective, particularly to everyone else and to see things from a different angle for a while. You're being asked to take no action. You're being asked to be still and take some time out, for the Hanged Man is suspended and asking you to relax, to look, to observe, but to see things, this time very differently. It's about being more spiritual and realising that materialistic life puts us under pressure to feel that we must act in way that other people do. The Hanged Man works with Neptune which really does express itself in different ways according to the individuals nature and your own personal belief. It has a lot to do with how we're influenced by groups and trends and fashions and how we can all go along with the common dream and thing that we're doing the right thing. It's when we want to look like other people and change who we are as a individual. So that we go into a group's identity, that, we are expressing Neptune. That's when some common ideal that we all look at. We're afraid that if we don't, we'll feel isolated and cut off. But in actual fact you need to cut yourself off, so that your spiritual side can be nurtured from within and that your views are your own, until you find that you are completely happy with your own perspective of life, in which case, then you will look for another group of like minded people, who you can share you common ideals with. You realised this was necessary for some sort of sacrifice to change your old behaviour gently, surely but certainly positively.