You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 5 of Swords. The 5 of Swords explains there are arguments and bullying around you, from a group of people, where you must watch what's happening. It's time to watch your back, for there are people gossiping and talking, struggling amongst themselves and abusing each other, in ways that are unethical. They are addicted to this mode of behaviour. It is not a tangible situation. You must remove yourself away from this crowd, for you realise that it is not spiritually nourishing, for you to be around it any longer and that you cannot change the way this group of people are performing. The Hanged Man, works with the planet Neptune, which is about the expression and imagination of our dreams and visions. you're being asked to reflect and to look at how these people have arrived at the position they're in and to remove yourself from the situation. The Hanged Man is asking you to be a bit of a rebel and to see things from a different perspective. Everyone else is going one way but you are realising there is something else and something better and it requires you to cut away from them. You must do nothing right now, you must think it all through and there will be a self sacrifice to be made, for this is a very strange time. It requires no action, just observation and to steal yourself away from the crowd and to observe, but to look at things completely differently to what you've been doing before. To take a more spiritual attitude so that you realise how much you've grown. To go back into this, would be foolish for, you realise this is not what you want from life and yet you could feel lonely and out of your depth by going your own way. But this is probably the self sacrifice you must make, enjoy your own company and do your own thing, for it is right for you. Instead of feeling that you must go with the crowd, even when you disapprove of what the crowd does. You fear loneliness, you must be strong for self sacrifice is necessary and worthwhile. Take your time. The Hanged Man is asking you to make no sudden moves, to see things very differently, to disable yourself from the situation. You may think that you're powerless to change or improve this difficult situation but are you sure? Perhaps you've just been afraid to act. You don't need to do anything you just need to remove yourself away from this situation. If you feel that you need some calming down, it would be important for you to be near water because this would be particularly calming and beneficial for the Hanged Man works with Neptune and you will get the important effect of the calming sensation that would be extremely beneficial for you right now.