You have chosen the Emperor and the 2 of Swords.The Emperor is a card of self-discipline and control and it means that you must nurture something as if you were the father figure to your project. This means that you must be in control and you must use your strong, clever, logical ambitious nature to see this through. You must treat everything in a way that is matter of fact, for you have a very strong energy, capable of working things out so the negative problem that faces you is to do with a partnership or a pair. You're choosing not to see things as they really are and being slightly indecisive. You don't know what to do. It's as if you feel that you'd like to just close your eyes and ignore it but you need to call a truce on this situation and take off the blindfold, see what the problem is and get it sorted out now. If you don't, this problem is going to manifest itself into something much bigger which will restrict you much later on in your project. You're just choosing not to see your way out of trouble, but in order to be in control of something you really need to look at the pros and cons of everything. Everything has it's opposite. This will certainly involve some hard work and maybe make you slightly unpopular with certain people, but if you really want to be enterprising and pioneering in what you're doing you need to take the reigns and control the situation. Look at it as if you're nurturing something you love and care about for this is what it really is. You couldn't ignore that. Perhaps you're impulsive enough to want everything to be translated into reality now rather than waiting, but waiting is quite hard for you. You're not lazy and you're not incapable of waiting but you do have this obsession, which causes you to abandon something before it's achieved. In this case this needs sorting out immediately and then things will ripen in their own time. By trying to avoid the situation you are causing yourself lots of restriction within your plans and projects much later on. Much better to be Emperor now and to be assertive, take charge of the situation and use your clever, logical ambitious mind to negotiate the problem that you have.