You have chosen Temperance and the Queen of Swords. The Temperance card represents the essence of life where things are mixing and blending in harmony from the past, the present and into the future. It shows that things are going fairly well for you right now. You're someone who is shrewd and in search of more knowledge. This is a good time for you to explore the adventurous streak within you, for you are impetuous and always looking for new adventure. You're someone that yo yo's backwards and forwards, changing their plans quickly and going in with full spirit. But like a child with a new toy, you get bored very easily. This makes you a little unpredictable sometimes and you sometimes prefer your own company, while you think about what to do next. But once you do it, you put your full energy into your plan until you're bored. The Temperance card says that you are looking now to develop things from long distance travel to higher learning. You have one foot firmly on land and are testing new waters very gently. This is a time of friendships, of mixing and blending everything in moderation. You'll be looking at new aspects of life, or your going on holiday. Anything linked with air travel is wonderful for there are new friendships and socialisation to be explored. The mixing of cultures is a healing process that makes us appreciate and realise why we are alive. The Temperance card is about laughter, joy, fun and adventure within our lives. It's about going for it and really having a good time and appreciating with like -minded people the simple, humble pleasures that give you a thrill. This is time to view life as an adventure playground and try out new things. There's always plenty of time to correct mistakes and create yourself a better future. This is a time to extract important lessons, maybe even from painful experiences, but without suffering, with the hopefulness to communicate our ideas and inspire others and ourselves.