We all know individuals who are hard to talk to. Some don't listen or pay attention to what we say. Others will argue with us, not even trying to understand our point of view. Still, some people are very sensitive and take what we say the absolute wrong way, feeling we are attacking them or trying to dismiss their views.
How do we get around this kind of dilemma? "Getting around the dilemma" is a very accurate way to name the solution. Our spirits are connected with each other at all times. Even if we've had a falling out with the person, haven't communicated with them for years, or barely know them.
One thing about spirits -- they don't sleep. They're always awake and available to talk with us and hear us. This is true whether a person is awake, asleep, or miles away from us. When faced with the situation that you would like to communicate with someone, but you feel talking to them directly will only cause conflict, use your soul to talk to theirs.
Takes a few minutes when you can be alone and have quiet, and try this. Light a white or soft pink candle, sit or lie comfortably, close your eyes, and surround yourself with the golden-white universal light of love and protection. As if the person were in the room with you, begin talking to them either in your mind, or with your voice. Be gentle, honest, loving and sincere. Tell them your views on the subject, why you believe your suggestions have merit, and the things you like about their ideas. When you feel you have said all that you need to, thank them for listening to you and tell them you would like for the two of you to be able to talk together amicably more often. Send them your love, surround them with a beautiful blue light of peace and calm, snuff out the candle and gently withdraw your energy from them.
Give this a try once a day for five to seven days and see what improvements occur. This method can be used in any situation that it is difficult, or impossible, to talk to an individual. Someone who is ill, for example, or closed off to speaking to anyone at all. It can help sooth feelings after an argument.
Remember, we are all spirits in a human body. We're all connected, and our spirits are full of love and peace.
Enjoy this Day!
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Guest Speaker - The Tapestry Of Life. Soul Connections