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The Tapestry Of Life. Soul Connections

14th May 2018


Would it surprise you to learn that our lives have already been imprinted within us, ready to guide us through our journey, to people and situations, we are meant to meet, interact with well before we came to this earth.

There are people we feel instantly connected to, and people we have met for the first time, and then there is that special person, that you have an instant connection with, who you recognise within your heart chakra.  This is your destiny or fate, and it is all part of the Tapestry of Life, where there are no such things as coincidences.

It is a totally amazing conception, particularly to our human brains, but our Soul within is so much smarter.   You soul will always guide you, help you along your journey, and when you are at low points in your life, you will find that your loved ones and your angels draw closer still.  


Life throws challenges at us, and sometimes, you cannot see or understand the reasons for this.  However, in order to find balance alongside joy, harmony and abundance in your life, you need positive and negative, in order to move you along your pathway to meet your destiny.   

When you get to a point in your life, where everything seems to be at loggerheads, and you feel lost and alone and not sure what is the way forward – start to take notice of why the Universe is pushing you out of your comfort zone.  There is a reason you are being pushed to change things in your life, and as your angels draw closer to bring you love and guidance, you need to look for “signposts” helping you to understand where they are trying to guide you to.  Remember also, that they are always loving and guiding you along a path that will be the best for you and your higher-self.

Why are you seeing repeated numbers, when you look at a clock, or number plates, like 11:11, 22:22 or perhaps even 15:15, these are your angels and guides trying to tell you, through Synchronicities,  to pay attention what is going on around you.    Why do you keep hearing that song, what or who does it remind you of?   What is it about that memory that has relevance to what is happening to you in the here and now?    There is a reason for everything and everyone.

We all want to be with that special someone that we know we are fated to meet and be with.   A lot of the times, it is not an easy route but know this, when destiny decides to bring two people together, it will be. The journey towards one another is lessons for each to learn in order to be the best they can be, and to blend together in the perfect vibrational energy to which it brings both souls together, within the physical life.  It will happen. 

Katie 500114

tapestry of life


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