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Mary Maria
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The Little Boy In A Life Saving Ring

20th March 2025

The Little Boy In A Life Saving Ring.

One morning I woke up came downstairs and saw a 9 year old boy from spirit standing in my living room in full colour. He did not say anything, he just stood looking at me with sad eyes, dripping wet in his little woollen jumper, sogging wet trousers and straggly wet hair.

I knew he needed help.. but as he didnt or couldnt speak to me .. he tried to talk to me with his eyes. Slowly he disappeared and I was left bereft on my own worrying about him.

Now I did not have any clients that day, but felt sure at some point someone would turn up who this little boy belonged to.

You know months passed and no one.

Every day this little 9 year old boys face was ingrained on my mind. So troubled was I by his plight and wanting to help him, I just could not let go.

Eventually I began to forget and it was at that time, that a work man came to fix things on my heating. He started talking to me as I handed him his cup of tea and then the boy appeared. Oh my gosh, I was so distracted. I mean this man had not come to me for a spirit message, so how on earth was I going to help this little boy.

Eventually, I plucked up the courage to tell the man about my work and what I do. And I began explaining to him how I sometimes get visits from spirit and I explained to him about this little boy.

In no time, the man burst into tears and struggled to get his breath and he began telling me that his brother's son drowned at sea. They threw him a life ring, like the one I was explaining this little boy was wearing. But he said a big wave came and swept him out to sea and the helicopter lift failed and he drowned when he was 9 years old.

I suppose sharing this beautiful story may help people understand how the spirit world sometimes works and the role of the spirit workers is not always how one may imagine. The spirit world never fails to amaze me even after 31 years of professional readings. My best advice to a client is yes it is ok to have questions but to understand the medium is simply a receiver and often does not know what information will be given. But I have learnt the more experienced I have become, questions can help direct and speed up the process but often impromptu happenings like the boy in the ring are the spirit way..

Love & Light

MaryMaria Pin no 500795


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