Today I thought we’d have a little fun with crystals, so for those of you who have any clear quartz points about, you know the ones that form a tetrahedron, (or to someone like me a kind of triangle shaped point, as I can never remember fancy shape names) I thought you might like to learn to sex them.
That’s right, I haven’t lost the plot, as every quartz crystal embody either female or male energy. OK, now for the real fun part, me trying to do science. I can already hear my husband laughing.
The first thing to remember is that crystals are not static objects, instead they are living growing energies, that have taken many many lifetimes to form, and in doing so have developed their own resonance or vibration. They are also influenced by their environment and in particular the hemisphere in which they are forming. I am told this is to do with the earth’s magnetism. Remember your basic science lessons at school, when you were fascinated to hear that this was responsible for water going down the plughole in certain direction? Well it is exactly the same principle with crystals. If they are forming in the Northern Hemisphere they grow in a clockwise spiral, embody masculine energy and are a right-handed crystal. Likewise if they grow in the Southern Hemisphere they grow anticlockwise, embody female energy and are known as left-handed crystals.
Time to sex a quart (could only happen on this page)
Despite the complicated intro, identifying them isn’t too complicated. You simply need to hold it with the point upwards and determine which is the largest face, (surface), once decided, turn the crystal so that this largest face is facing you. Now look at it carefully and notice whether there is a smaller facet to left or to the right of this face. If it is to the right, it is right handed and masculine energy. If it is to the left it is left handed and feminine energy.
Don’t worry if you find this difficult to begin with, just like sexing kittens, not all crystals are easy to identify, I personally find the hardest part is deciding which of the surfaces is the largest face, but once you decide this it gets easier. OK, , I can hear you asking “Curiosity apart why do I need to know this?” And the answer is that it is always handy to know, as some healing techniques (where numerous points are used) will require that you do so to maintain a balance of energy. Another example would be when using quartz during meditation, if you have pair, male and female; you would hold the right handed masculine quartz in your right hand, and the left handed in your left, to ensure a perfect flow of energy.
Have fun with this and right down your findings. L&L Maria