So much learning is involved in relationships. We came here to schoolhouse earth as the guides call it, to learn, did we not? What better way than in relationships.
This is such an important lifetime on the Earth .Many people have chosen to clear a lot of past life karma in one life time. And so they have elected to be in more than one marriage or committed relationship in one lifetime.
We chose these lessons and experiences before we came here to the earth, along with our guardians for the best learning for our souls to progress.
In every relationship no matter how difficult or impossible it may have been we can look back and review and ask our higher self ''Higher self what was the spiritual gift in all that time for me''? An answer will come. Whatever the gift was, say 'Thankyou.Thank you for the gift '' and take it with you into the new and leave the baggage behind.
How many gifts have you accrued in one lifetime? Quite a few I should imagine.
How blessed are you!
It is said that relationships can be sorted into three categories.
A reason, a season or a lifetime.
The first. A reason. Two people come together for a reason. There is a need for them to be together. Once that need is no longer there then they separate or are taken away. Sometimes one dies. The need is no longer there.
The second. A season. Two people come together and experience much joy and happiness. One has something new to learn from the other. This is a joyful experience but only for a season. Maybe a long season but it comes to an end.
The third. A lifetime. Two people come together to build a strong emotional foundation from which others around them learn. This one is for a lifetime.
So you may very well ask '''Are you here for a reason dear, or a season, or a lifetime.''
Which is it?
Time will tell.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
There are no failures; only successes turned inside out.
Look for the gift. After all life is a journey and each lesson is a stepping stone for your success.
A famous person once said "It is better to have loved and lost; than never to have loved at all.''
The main thing is to not to give up on Love.
Even in the darkest moments, it can find you, and it will always surprise you.
'Neither be cynical about Love for in the face of all aridity, it is as perennial as the grass'' (Desiderata).
Love yourself. Love the one you are with and Love the journey.
For Spiritually Guided Readings about Love and Your Love Life give Crystal Rose a call.
You won't regret it.
Blessed Be.