The colour pink is the colour of universal love of self and of others. Pink is also the colour most associated with calm and relaxation. It is also most often associated with girls and femininity. In the spiritual sense pink is the colour that stands for compassion, empathy, understanding and caring for others. We must never forget that red is part of pink and red is always associated with love and romance. Most people find pink to be a very joyful colour. It is thought that pink is one of the most loved colours because it makes people feel happy and content.
It is important to make note that darker shades of pink can be thought to be more energizing. Hot pink is the colour most associated with feeling creative and vivacious. It can also be associated with boldness and sexiness. Whereas, the softer shades of pink are mostly related to youth, vulnerability and innocence. It has been said that the colour pink looks good on anyone possibly because it is a fresh, youthful and playful colour.
Pink flowers are purchased and sent to people to let them know you will never forget them. "In the pink" is an expression used to let people know you are feeling vibrant and healthy. "Pinky" is often a nickname given to someone cute and playful.
Pink represents a love that requires nothing in return. It is also the colour of friendship and companionship. When pink is seen in the aura of another person it represents a personal balance between the spiritual world and the material world.
If you ever want to cheer yourself up and bring cheer to others just decorate with pink or wear pink and you will see how people react to the colour.
My favourite colour is pale, pastel pink. If you want to know more about colour please contact me for a reading and we can talk about colour in more depth.
Summer 500954
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