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More Than Just Good Vibes: Spiritual Vibrations

12th April 2020

More Than Just Good Vibes...

How to increase your spiritual vibrations in 10 steps

While I was doing a read recently the client told me I had very high vibrations. He could actually feel them, so I have researched vibrations and hope you find this blog interesting in this really difficult time 

According to universal law and quantum physics everything is made of pure energy. This energy is constantly moving, either fast or slowly. Maybe you have never thought about your own frequency before but it really impacts everything we do in life. Similar to radio waves that are heard but not seen your vibrational frequency emanates from your cumulative thoughts, emotions and consciousness and it is being broadcast into the universe. This broadcast then attracts similar experiences, people and opportunities, both good and bad.

A high oscillating vibration attracts higher energy and positive experiences in life and obviously low oscillations attract the opposite. So how do we change our vibrations? By paying close attention to our thoughts and feelings.

When we hold on to happy, loving thoughts in our hearts, you will in turn feel happy and inspired. However, when we are miserable, angry our lower vibrations can take effect. The good news is we are all the creators of our own energy and we can change any moment. The power of laughter is simply the best medicine to start those positive juices flowing!

Here are 10 ways to increase those happy vibrations:

1: Meditate 

2: Unplug from the matrix 

3: Bathe 

4: Spend time with positive people 

5: Move that body! Even a brisk walk will do  

6: Organise of your environment 

7: Serve others 

8: Clean up your diet. You really are what you eat 

9: Go on a news detox 

10: Practice gratitude

I hope you find this interesting at this difficult time, I would love to tell you more. If you’re interested, call me!

Love and light

Jasmine – PIN 600595

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