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18/03/2021 Charmscopes

18th March 2021

Aries: The Glasses.

A disagreement connected to work this week will need some tough negotiating, in order to find a compromise. If you are looking for work there is a connection to  health, beauty, travel, law, and office work. Where relationships are concerned a new approach is needed. Stop pretending that if you ignore an issue, it will disappear, when you know full well it won't. If you are looking for love it will be with someone new, someone you meet when you attend an invitation to somewhere you didn't want to go. For some of you there are going to be interviews or new jobs coming your way and for others there is news connected to weddings/engagements. It's a great week for good news, but be realistic with what is currently going on in your life and make the necessary changes to make your life better. You know deep down you have to put an end to something, but for some reason you are clinging on to the hope that the situation or person will change. It won't, so it is down to you to change it.

Taurus: The Cross. 

Work is going to be stressful this week as it seems that you are taking on more than you can actually handle. You have this habit of saying yes when in reality you should be saying no, but you don’t want to disappoint others and you naturally have a helpful nature. You need to change that as you are just creating a rod for your own back. If you are looking for work it is connected to teaching, construction work, farming/outdoor work or therapeutic work. Where relationships are concerned there will be stress. A situation will have you feeling stuck in the middle and regardless of how you try to be the peacemaker, it’s a situation you can't change, so step back and let them sort it out themselves. If you are looking for love it will be a person that is sending you mixed signals and could be hard work. This week will feel hard, especially when it comes to dealing with others. Be on your guard as others may try to manipulate you (again due to your good nature), and don't let others take advantage of you. It’s a confusing week, where you may not know exactly what to do for the best. So step back and take some time to think about yourself for a change.

Gemini: The Bell

This week you should hear some good news regarding work that has been held up or delayed for some reason, and other people’s projects will be coming to an end, giving your more time to work on other stuff. If you are looking for work it is connected to offices, planning, celebrations, construction, or governmental work. Where relationships are concerned, there is good news for some in the form of a celebration connected to family, and for others a good frank discussion is needed on where this relationship is going. If you are looking for love it is connected to a social gathering, online dating and work. In general this week sees you putting an end to situations that are not working for you. Allow extra time if travelling for unexpected delays and there may be news connected to a wedding or engagement for some.

Cancer: The Ring.

There is good news this week at work, as contracts and offers come your way for some and for others that idea you thought was just a dream, can now become a reality, as everything falls in to place. If you are looking for work it is connected to delivery services, health, beauty, and fitness, police and forensic work. Where relationships are concerned there will be a feeling of happiness, as couples work together in harmony at home, and there will be news connected to weddings or engagements for some. If you are looking for love it is connected to a fresh start. Stopping looking back at your ex and learn to let go. Love comes connected to friends, social media and education. This week is a great week for getting those creative ideas flowing. You will be on a roll when it comes to future plans, so don't let others deter you. There is good news connected to children and for others some kind of test that has been taken will bring good results

Leo: The Angel.

For some of you this week there will be a new role or a promotion that comes your way, but for others be careful with your ideas and who you share them with, as someone may be claiming them as their own. Keep them hidden till you need them. If you are looking for work, it is connected to police, legal work, office and communication work, health care and counselling or psychology work. Where relationships are concerned patience may be needed when dealing with loved ones, and a loved one may cause you concern. If you are looking for love it is connected to a hospital, travel and a friend that constantly argues with you. This week you are on the path to success. You have great ideas connected to work and money and with the right planning and actions, they will prove very successful. Watch out for a disagreement connected with someone taking advantage of you, for some reason they will try to blame you for allowing them to do so.

Virgo: The Signpost.

This week at work you may be inundated with decisions to make. There will be a lot going on and possibly too much for you to deal with, so ask for help if you need it, rather than struggling alone. If you are looking for work it is connected to health care, beauty, fitness, antiques, and children or education. Financially a budget may be needed this week as you work out what needs to be paid and when. Where relationships are concerned, there may be some decisions to make regarding a home or move for some, and looking back at old memories will bring a couple closer. If you are looking for love an ex is going to make themselves known again, but please do ask yourself if the pain when they went was worth it. Love is connected to education and a place you went to as a child. This week see's you having to make important decisions both at work and at home. There will be news of a change at home or a home move for some, and for others a need to confront the past to move forward, must be done.

Libra: The Open Book.

Knowledge is the key to success this week and you may be asked to share your knowledge, or research something in order to get ahead. If you are looking for work it is connected to police, spying, fitness, travel and teaching. Where relationships are concerned for some of you a trust issue needs to be addressed and for others you will feel a bit happier as the tension you felt before begins to ease. If you are looking for love it is connected to a secret admirer at work, a friend and travel. This week see's you more in control of what is going on. It may have felt like the stress of the last few weeks was never going to go away, but now you are finally beginning to see a bit of light as all the tension begins to ease. Try to be patient when dealing with others, especially when you find yourself constantly repeating, as not everyone will think the same way as you. A secret that is revealed this week will leave you feeling happy and full of hope.

Scorpio: The Peacock.

This week there will be some form of appreciation or recognition coming your way, with the way you handle a work situation. If you are looking for work it is connected to the legal system, prisons, security, offices and healing. Where relationships are concerned there is a feeling of being stuck, or that something needs to change. Things may have become a bit routine or boring, so talk to each other to see what can be done to bring back that spark. If you are looking for love it is connected to learning, work, friends and an ex. Old habits are hard to break and this week you may need to change the way you work or deal with others. Whilst you may be used to just going with the flow, this week you will need to mix things up to keep everyone on their toes and you may be surprised at the results you get, from changing the way you do certain things. Change only happens when you make it happen.

Sagittarius: The Wine Glass.

Work sees you on a path to success this week as everything you touch turns to gold. Offers and partnerships will come your way as others will want to follow your work style or work with you to. If you are looking for work it is connected to the hospitality trade, children, education, health and beauty. Where relationships are concerned romance is in the air and for some of you, you will be looking at love through fresh eyes again. If you are looking for love it is connected to friends and online dating or social media. This is a great week for you where everything goes your way, both at work and at home. For some of you there is news connected to a move and for others it is news connected to new work

Capricorn: The Scales. 

A situation at work needs to be dealt with quickly, before it gets out of control, and a decision will go your way. If you are looking for work it is connected to shift work, night work, health care, building, and law. Where relationships are concerned there is a feeling of unbalance. Like a relationship is not equal, so make sure you talk to each other to find a way to make it more equal. If you are looking for love it is connected to a courthouse, work and online dating. In general this week you may find that you are doing more to please others, but getting nothing back in return, not that you'd ask for it. But it would be nice if others showed they cared too. Try to remember to take a break as all work and no play will create a lot of unnecessary stress for you. Everything in moderation.

Aquarius: Closed Book.

An opportunity to learn something new or a new skill at work may come your way this week, so be ready to grab it when it appears. If you are looking for work it is connected to travel, call centres, Agency work, teaching/ education and counselling. Where relationships are concerned there may be an issue with not knowing where you stand with a partner. Their mood swings will be causing you concern, so make sure you talk to them about them and to know where you stand. If you are looking for love it is connected to travel and social media or online dating, and don't be too quick to judge a book by its cover, as a potential love interest may surprise you. Opportunities are coming your way but a partner/loved one may not be as enthusiastic about them as you. Don't tip toe around issues, because you are worried about rocking the boat. If you keep putting them off you will end up creating more issues than there was in the first place.

Pisces: The Car.

There may be a lot of rushing around this week in order to get work done on time, just remember to ask for help if you need it. If you are looking for work it is connected to travel/transport, vehicles, mechanics, teaching/ training or mentoring. Where relationships are concerned a change needs to be made in the way you communicate with each other, as there may be some minor misunderstandings this week. If you are looking for love it is connected to social media, an older person you admire, and online dating. This is a good week for you apart from some minor misunderstandings with a loved one; it is a week that is going to go your way. A move or holiday is going to happen after a very long delay, and pay attention to what an older person says, as there is a hidden meaning in what they say.  If travelling pay attention and look out for delays.

Thanks for reading

Michelle M - 600341

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