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About Ask The Answer

Ask The Answer was founded in 2008. After initially starting with phone readings a text reading service was introduced shortly after launch, with email readings following rapidly after, we are always looking for new ways for people to be able to connect with our great readers. So we are very pleased to announce we now have Instant Message service where you can chat to readers via the chat console on their profile page.

In 2010 we attended our first shows, taking readers to the Mind, Body and Soul shows in Brentwood, Olympia and Cambridge and successfully completed our mission of showing the public that phone readers are every bit as good doing face to face readings.

Ask The Answer now lists over 300 active readers spanning the globe; we have readers from all 4 corners of the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland as well as far afield places such as Australia, New Zealand, United States and Canada.

Ask the Answer believes in the power of postive thinking and we encourage our followers on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to join in with our free guidance and excercises to enable self empowerment.

Our Psychics and mediums are always at hand to help guide you through any confusions or questions you need to have an answer to.


The Ask The Answer team.

A word from Anne-Marie one of our trusted readers: "I discovered the tarot when I needed guidance about a relationship problem. I was impressed that the reading was so relevant to me - it gave very clear answers about the changes I needed to make in my life and behaviour so that I could get the thing that I most wanted. I have always felt that dreams, astrology, numerology and other forms of divination bring real insight and guidance, and so I realised immediately the power of tarot and wanted to learn more. This was the beginning of the path that led to my becoming a tarot reader.

I have always been sensitive to unseen influences and able to recognise people's innermost feelings, hopes and fears. Tarot has led me to develop my psychic intuition and use the symbolic meaning of the cards to give insight and guidance into the problems the questioner is facing. I give a clear and simple explanation of the meaning of the cards, which gives the questioner a clear path to follow to deal with the situation they are in."

The fact that you can choose to have a reading with Anne-Marie rather than reading a computer printout is very important. We respond to voices at a different, deeper level than the written word (babies can recognize their mother's voice while still in the womb), so Ask The Answer connects with your subconscious in a way that other online tarot readings cannot. And it's like getting advice from a real friend - someone who is there with you to help with your problems, someone has no agenda other than to give an insight and clear objective guidance on how best to cope.

Anne-Marie explains her regular use of the tarot: "I always start the day by selecting two cards from the major and the minor arcana, which show what will be important and some of the influences around me. If I want to know more, I select another pair of cards, and sometimes find myself consulting the cards several times through the day as a situation unfolds.

Ask The Answer means that you too can use the tarot as often as you like. You may be worried about a family or relationship problem, money matters, or unsure about a major decision. Or you may just you may just feel that you've lost your way, burdened by the day-to-day routine, or just don't seem to have the time for the things that really matter. Either way Ask The Answer tarot is there to advise you just when you need it. What better than to have a couple of minutes of complete personal attention where you can hear all about you!

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