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Marie - Pin: 700480

Marie - Pin 700480- specialises in tarot, psychic, clairvoyant, medium, spirit-coach readings
Audio Intro
About Me

I am a Medium, a healer and a Tarot reader who specialises in love and relationship readings. I'm empathic, down to earth and sensitive. I find the spiritual world can illuminate your love life and I am always honoured to help someone on their journey. My spiritual journey began with dreams when I was young. After 25 years plus of reading, I still love discovering new meanings within the energy of the cards. Although I often use Tarot to connect energetically, I have also trained in psychometry and mediumship and I use these skills to enhance my readings. I am clairsentient and I work directly with my spiritual team. I am dedicated to help others through the transition into the Age of Aquarius. I have led successful awareness courses. I am happy to guide you on your spiritual journey if you have a specific question about your own development. My areas of expertise are love and relationships. I am able to advise on past life connections, twin flames, soul mates and karmic relationships.

Contact Marie
Phone Readings
Due: Today @ 07:00 (EST)

Marie offers a phone reading lasting 20 minutes for $39.95 with the option to extend for an additional 20 minutes for $34.95. Alternatively you can pay as you go with credits for $2.25 per minute.

IM Readings
Due: Today @ 07:00 (EST)

Marie offers a chat session priced at 200 credits per minute

Email Readings
On Until 07:00 (EST)

Marie offers a concise reading reading of 500 words for $34.99 and a comprehensive reading of over 1000 words for $66.99

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Last updated: 14/03/2025 06:24:01
FebMarch 2025Apr
Friday 14 March 2025
07:00 - 10:00
18:00 - 21:00
About Me

I am a Medium, a healer and a Tarot reader who specialises in love and relationship readings. I'm empathic, down to earth and sensitive. I find the spiritual world can illuminate your love life and I am always honoured to help someone on their journey. My spiritual journey began with dreams when I was young. After 25 years plus of reading, I still love discovering new meanings within the energy of the cards. Although I often use Tarot to connect energetically, I have also trained in psychometry and mediumship and I use these skills to enhance my readings. I am clairsentient and I work directly with my spiritual team. I am dedicated to help others through the transition into the Age of Aquarius. I have led successful awareness courses. I am happy to guide you on your spiritual journey if you have a specific question about your own development. My areas of expertise are love and relationships. I am able to advise on past life connections, twin flames, soul mates and karmic relationships.

Q and A
Are you typical of your star sign? If so, how?

I found a deeper meaning to my personal chart when I looked at my life through my rising sign. I'd heard star sign charts can be seen from the perspective of showing who you become over a lifetime and the aspects of personality are more like something to aim for. This really suited me because my rising sign is Sagittarius! I love a challenge, an unreachable goal, you'll often find me in the thick of it, helping out someone everyone else has given up on. I'm really independent, gutsy, bright and happy, and then I remember I'm an earth sign really and spend a few days at home with coffee, books and biscuits.

How long have you been giving readings for?

I've been reading for about 25/26 years. Don't give up trying to access your link to spirit. I remember trying reading early on with friend as we were walking to the shops. I was asking for clarification and they replied, "No." about twenty times. I had a strong word with myself, meditated more and from there, something just clicked. Everything is a vibration and as you are opening your awareness up you are linking into another dimension. I needed to spiritually level up. We are all still on that journey and with every one person sat meditating trying, there are teams of spirit/ angels sending the messages waiting for us to raise our vibrations.

What advice would you give to those customers contemplating their first reading?

I'd say be present, open minded. Spirit are unlikely to send you a message full of things you already know. It might be helpful to have a list of questions ready to ask so that you can get the best out of the reading. It would be helpful to choose a time for the reading when you are able to focus on the conversation between you and the reader. Readings can be so much fun, spirit take your journey very seriously and they are very light hearted. You are important and on the whole it is about finding the best path for your life experience. Also, expect the unexpected!

What do you do for fun outside of psychic readings?

My family and friends mean the world to me. I like to dip in and out of books, coffee shops, and creative projects. The energy work I do is something I feel honoured to complete. This sometimes involves me travelling and sometimes I work healing others. I like the countryside, working with energy of the ley lines and discovering new places.

What prompted you to start giving readings?

I feel like it was meant to be! I was fascinated by the tarot and I wanted to see if there was anything in it. I would read for anyone who would listen to me and I evaluated if the tarot were accurate or not. At the same time as learning tarot I realised I was having dreams that were coming true. I really wanted to be able to communicate with the spirit world and of course, I found out I always have been! When I started to read professionally, for me, it was about being able to bring the light and positivity I had learned from spirit to others.

What spiritual skills do you have?

I'm an energy reader, and that ability opens up most spiritual skills. I have also learned to read energy using tools, such as tarot cards, palm reading, runes etc and some days I rely heavily on these, others I do not. Everything else I can do in terms of predictions, vision and energy raising comes from spirit. I am very good at finding solutions and the positive to build on in every situation. I've been doing this work a long time so I am personally skilled in understanding what the energy is telling me and how that relates to your real life situation.

What tools do you use within your readings?

I have a massive selenite crystal with me when I read. It is known for it's healing properties. It cleanses spiritual energy, improves well being and provides protection. Selenite lifts awareness to meet with spirit guides and guardian angels. I use tarot cards for my readings and sometimes I use oracle cards too.

What’s your most memorable psychic experience?

It's really hard to choose one most memorable experience. There is someone alive today who wouldn't be if it wasn't for my psychic ability which is something I am very proud of. Teaching psychic development was certainly an achievement. When I started energy healing on land we were on a bit of a wild goose chase to now here, and that ended in the opening of a portal with these massive black and white birds flying over and through the energy - that was very memorable. I guess the most surprising was being able to prove to my dad that I'm psychic, to his delight. I told him he was going to get a cat, and even when I said it, I couldn't believe what I was saying. He promptly told me he was not, ever, going to get a cat. I knew it was true the moment he said that. Three months later, he had a cat. Also, my twin flame journey has certainly been something I won't forget. I would recommend remembering any songs you are given as the links on your love journey will appear eventually.

When did you discover your gifts?

Everyone is gifted and I discovered I had always been gifted when I realised what energy was all about. This was in my early twenties and it was difficult to understand at first. I can't say I always knew I had an ability. If you ask me to guess the next card in the pack I will fail more than half of the time. It is only when you give me an energy - show me photographs of people and ask me if they are dead or alive and I suddenly transform into a psychic.

Why should a client choose you for their psychic reading?

I'm very good at understanding relationship situations, people, and why they act like they do. Spirit give me some amazing advice and clarifications. I always respect that this is your life, your path and I remain completely biased to getting you the best from the energies available to you! I have spiritual integrity. I can explain how to turn things around for you. I understand and respect how difficult life can be, with or without spiritual awareness.

Latest Reviews for Marie (24)

I don't know yet about the future, but she can deep dive into someone's thoughts and energy so perfectly! I sure would love her predictions to be accurate too! I will return for more maybe her mediumship will shine through!


Time will tell regarding predictions but she brings in really accurate details on situations. she reads intuitively not just with cards as some of the things are too detailed and I believe coming from her guides. 90% of what she brings through is accurate based on information I know to be true.


Marie is very quick to respond and has provided direct, clear, and extraordinary insight to my wife and I in regards to multiple questions/situations. We highly recommend her and will definitely be using her again.

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