You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the 2 of Pentacles. There is no doubt that you have been juggling finances for some time: robbing Peter to pay Paul is a familiar tune to you. You've been struggling with your finances even down as far as holding two different jobs to make ends meet and you know that you've been having a tough time but you've been doing extremely well and you've learnt a lot. There is a new job offer open to you and also an internal transfer in your present circumstances should you want for you are someone who has a practical matter of fact frame of mind and you get on with the job in hand. You've got your feet firmly on the ground and you're definitely a grafter. You're someone that's excellent to have around when things get tough. You've always got a new interest. You use practical approaches to solve any problems. Your down to earth attitude is admired. The Wheel of Fortune is here to tell you that all of that is about to change for the better. This is a joyful time. It's all about luck that's coming in. It's also a case of being in the right place at the right time, a little bit of lucky, a little bit of fate a little bit of karma but whatever you're going to do it's going to expand and the opportunities are going to increase, particularly the good ones for this is a time of goodwill and contentment and the growth of energy it's going to gather are down to you. It is one of the nicest times to look forward to because there are lots of big changes coming your way and opportunities that are going to arise for plans, projects, travel, higher education, anything that you want that will lead to your happiness and to your material security in this world. It's all about being enthusiastic and going for the opportunities with lots of energy and it's now a time to enjoy some of the good things in life. It's about the abundance and the good luck that is sometimes seen as a once in a lifetime opportunity. The more you're prepared to invest in the present the more you'll get out of the future, particularly if you feel that you'd like to be a bit of an entrepreneur. It's about being optimistic and having a very positive approach and a time to enjoy the company of friends, family, where you'll enjoy the joy and laughter of just simply being part of the human race.