You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the 10 of wands. The Wheel of Fortune is about expansion and opportunities. It's the goodwill and the contentment of the growth and energy that's coming your way. This is because the Wheel of Fortune works in conjunction with the planet Jupiter and that is all about cards of fate and karma. It's about being in the right place at the right time from now on. Luck is going your way and what goes around, comes around. Up to now with work matters you've been carrying the complete burden. You have not been able to see the woods for the trees because you've been too proud and independent to ask for any help. You're now being asked to go back and delegate. This burden is too heavy a load for anyone. You're suffering and this leads to some sort of physical ailment. This is because you lack trust and your poor physical body is worn out. It's time to rest. You need to learn to work in a team and to share some of the tasks so that you're delegating to other people. You're someone that's full of action and love of adventure. You're someone that's dealing with the comings and goings of the outdoors and travel and movement are so important to you; because of your enthusiasm you're physically creative but you need to know when to stop doing too much. There are certainly big changes coming and opportunities are presenting themselves to you in quite a wonderful way. You must make sure that you're in top form so that you do not delay the outcome; for the more you involve yourself the better you will reap the reward. As you seek and run up the ladder you will find that this is a time of laughter and fun for there's plenty of good times on the way, it doesn't need to be sheer hard work. Be optimistic, act the entrepreneur and have some fun for this is a time for you to realise that you do have tremendous growth, but you need to be in a very good state of health wherein you're not too exhausted to enjoy it.