You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the 10 of cups. The 10 of cups is a fantastic card. It is one of the happiest cards in the pack and the most positive card in the pack. It is a card of marriage, living together and of being in a very strong relationship, anything where you are linked with a large group of people such as a family. This is about bliss, contentment and happiness in your family life and your emotional life. It is cosy, dreamy, successful and it leads to the pure happiness that you want for yourself. This is the fulfilment of life and emotion within a relationship. There are possibly children, a lovely home involved and possibly nature or animals close to you. You've also chosen a truly wonderful and lucky card. The Wheel of Fortune is linked to the planet Jupiter, which is to do with expansion of opportunities in your life. It is the goodwill and nature of the energy and universe at stake here, and the contentment and the growth and energy within you that helps you go and get what you want from life. Anything and everything you want to do, now is the right time. If it is time for travel, now is the time. If you wish to learn something, whether it is a new language, skill or the development of yourself in some way, shape or form, the Wheel of Fortune is here to help. It means that you are in the right place at the right time, certainly expanding and growing in your knowledge as a human being and finding your situation in life truly rewarding, blessing the opportunities that come your way. If you are able to kick off a business or be a slight entrepreneur this is the perfect time to explore those avenues, as Jupiter is about expansion and opportunity and the contentment of trying and using your positive energy to gain the rewards that make you truly happy.