You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the 6 of Swords. It's time to make progress, at last. You're going in calmer times, for a new person is helping to lead you away from the troubled times. You're allowing someone else to take over: you're coming out of an unsettling period. This is a passage away - you're moving on. The Wheel of Fortune is turning in your favour. It works with the planet Jupiter, which deals with expansion of opportunities that come into your world. This is a lucky time. The next two to three years are lucky for you from now on. It's about being in the right place at the right time. It's a card of fate, of karma; what you've done in the past is coming back to you, but not really from the source you would have expected. It's coming from somewhere that you are quite surprised by. The expansions are coming into your world full of goodwill for the growth and energy of your well-being. You're renewing your faith by transforming the potentials within your relationships by being inspired and sharing some good ideas and ideals with other people who are like-minded. You are experiencing things in harmony with another person and you're developing a confidence and trust within yourself. There are once in a lifetime opportunities coming your way, particularly where money's concerned, so you need to be very optimistic - the more positive you are, the greater the rewards will be. It's a time for enjoying yourself, joy, laughter and contentment; all these things will broaden the boundaries and horizons within your world. There are some big changes coming, and the opportunities really do need to be jumped at - particularly with difficulties you've faced in the past. You now look back and see that they've disappeared. You're no longer fearful of the future and you are working towards making your opportunities manifest themselves. You're creating your own luck because you've now got enough faith in the future to take a risk. You're using your gut feeling, your intuition, you're following your hunches and you're using the faith in your dreams to go on your journey with lots of courage - even though there's no known guarantee. The greatest thing you could do wrong now is to aim too low. This is all about hope, wisdom and faith.