You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the 6 of Wands. The Wheel of Fortune is showing there's expansion in your life, and because of your goodwill opportunities are coming your way. If you like, it's a card of fate, i.e. what's been going around is coming back to you, so the better you have been to other people, the more you're going to get back. It's about being in the right place at the right time and it's going to last for about two to three years for you. The Wheel of Fortune deals with opportunities, expansions, growth, energy, contentment and the 6 of Wands is here to tell you that you've already got some of this. The 6 of wands tells you that at the moment you're on a victory and you are travelling into continued success. It is indeed also a card of travel so you could be on the move to faraway places. There are more good news coming, lots of it in fact and you have achieved multiple successes. There is good news if you've applied for a post of application. If you tried for promotion or job interview you will find there are letters of congratulations, certificates of degrees, diplomas, the passing of exams, all of these things are the victories we are describing. It is the achievement of knowledge to do with work, career and future. Yet there is also a restlessness within you that longs for a future that's somehow bigger and brighter, more than the present. This is to do with your dreams, hopes and desires and when you long for more, for it to be better, to free yourself from the bondage of time and work: then you're expressing Jupiter. It can be difficult for people to let go of their cynicism, especially if life was tough for them when they were a younger person, but you must realise that Jupiter is about the bringing of expansion and yet although known as lucky we create our own luck because we have to have enough faith in the future to take a risk in the present. After all Jupiter is mostly about our dreams, our hopes for the future and although we know there are no guarantees we are prepared to try - that is the Wheel of Fortune working at it's maximum. The more you invest in it, the more you desire, hope and enjoy it, the more you'll get out of it.