You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the 7 of cups. The 7 of cups shows there has been emotional confusion all around you; the feeling of everything not working out as it should, particularly within yourself. You've not had the energy to be able to see things clearly. You've had a very scattered focus and you feel that you've not been able to see straight for some time. There has been a sense of paranoia and negativity around you and you've felt that you've needed to clear things out of your life: indeed yes, you need to clear the clutter. You may be recovering from an emotional or mental illness. This may have been a time where you created many illusions. Maybe you've been seeing yourself as someone sinister, as if your imagination was running away from you. In fact things did not seem quite right but you are on the mend because the Wheel of Fortune is here to say that time is right for you from now on, to have two to three years of being lucky and of getting better. The Wheel of Fortune is telling you that your opportunities of good luck and goodwill and contentment to get better will heal you, and that it is a time for you to invest in life and to find out what is out there and what you would like to do for yourself. You must choose wisely and carefully something that you really want, but focus on one thing steadily and carefully, not taking on too big a chunk or too many day-dreams about too many things. You must separate things carefully into what you would like and timetable yourself a little bit of everything you would like in sufficient amounts that you feel is capable and controllable.