You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the Queen of Pentacles. This is a lucky time for you, for the Wheel of Fortune is explaining the next two to three years are very important and joyous for the Wheel of Fortune is all about expansion and works with the planet Jupiter. This is about the opportunities and contentment that come into your life. There's lot of growth and energy going on around your materialistic life. Indeed, it's about being in the right place at the right time. The next two to three years are lucky. It's a card of fate. What's gone around is coming back to you and it's done so in goodwill. You are someone who is working their way to successful financial position and you have mothered the project that you are working on, dealing with it in a very caring, nurturing way. The Queen of Pentacles talks about the wealth and abundance going on around you. You will be financially secure. You are someone who pays attention to the smallest of detail and makes sure that you manifest your hopes and dreams into actions. It's all about the hope and inspiration that triggers you into a realisation that you need order to operate in the chaos of what goes on in our material world. There is a love within you for skill and craftsmanship and an appreciation of quality and material. It has a very deep meaning to you and you nurture this with a loving and caring exploration of all the elements until you can fit them together and work it into something of a product. This is a time of big changes and the opportunities coming your way will lead to your plans and projects to develop into huge expansion. Any difficulties you've been facing should disappear right now particularly when it comes to making money so you must be optimistic and be a bit of an entrepreneur. The more positive your approach the better you'll fare. It's also a good time to broaden the horizons when it comes to intellectual matters so anything you've been saving up such as knowledge, higher education or travel would be a good time to get going right now. This is a time for enjoyment. This is about the joy of learning and creating something that is lasting and worthwhile but having good times around you for you're thoroughly enjoying being a bit of an entrepreneur.