You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the Queen of cups. This is a good time for you, for the Wheel of Fortune is what it says: things are getting better. The Wheel of Fortune works with the planet Jupiter which deals with expansion in your life and opportunities for goodwill and contentment. This is about growth and energy, particularly to do with your relationships. Now is the time that you're in the right place and at the right time. If you like this is a card of fate. Things are getting much better for you from now on, indeed the next two to three years are even better. It's about time you had your share of luck and what goes around, comes around. You are someone who is about to meet a loving, caring and compassionate person. If you are already in a relationship this could be a question that your relationship is about to get better, for what it means is the emotional side of your relationship with another person is good. You are someone who has a creative eye for detail and you're mature beyond your years: you command respect within a relationship that you're in. You're someone who is emotionally expressive and your partner, whether now or about to come into your life, is equal to that. Up to now you've been sitting on a bit of an emotional island, isolating yourself until exactly the right investment for an emotional commitment came along. So if you are involved in a relationship you are clearing the decks and starting again and getting a new love affair of the heart going between you. There are big changes on the way and it's up to you to make the most of this advantage and take on board the opportunities that are going to arise. There are lots of new things coming up for the two of you to enjoy as plans, projects and lots of joy and happiness are coming into your life. The Wheel of Fortune is all about hope and investing in the present for the future but you must enjoy the abundant energy and enthusiasm that is all about the benevolence. This good fortune comes only every now and then so this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you. Anything is opening up to you. You've got to act as optimistic and take the most positive approach in life possible, so that the more positive you are, the more you'll attract the pleasant. It's a time for enjoying yourself, mixing and blending in a social setting while you are learning new skills, knowledge and discovering new horizons.