You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the Page of Wands. The Wheel of Fortune is about expansion and opportunities. Coupled with the page of wands it means there are messages coming your way. You have a very fixed focus and you have a love of travel. You are going on a journey. There is big news of travel surrounding these two cards. You're a person who has a lot to say and you like people to listen so this is your time to be a very good communicator. Indeed an audience would be good. You're very good with your voice, whether it's to do with a good telephone manner or whether or not you are in the news or the public eye where you use your voice as a living but you have something to say even if it's not as glossy as reading the news - people need to listen to you. You're someone who takes action seriously and you love adventure. This is about the comings and goings that go on in the outdoors. It's about moving around and lots of travel. There's enthusiasm around you. You are someone who is physically creative and you have a skill. Whether this is gardening, sports, or whether you have deep skill that is physically creative such as building or carpentry work, it doesn't matter - for you have the talent that must be increased. As a page it's under-developed which means you've more to learn, which for you is about expansion and opportunity and contentment and growth. The energy around you is saying that it is your turn. You've got to be in the right place at the right time. The next two to three years are crucial for you. You really have got some good times coming in. It's all about investing in the present for the future for luck is on its way to you. If you like, look at it as a card of fate. What's gone around is coming back to you and you deserve the good times to happen to you now. You must look at it that you create your own luck because you have enough faith in the future to take a risk in the present. It's using your hunches and intuitions and putting the clues together for your future. If you have faith in your dreams, you've got the courage to go into the unknown without the guarantee. Your deepest conviction is to make sure that you have enthusiasm: hope to invest this in action.