You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune of and the Knight of Swords. The Wheel of Fortune is a wonderful card - it's the luckiest card of the pack. It deals with the planet Jupiter, which expands opportunities for you, giving fortune, goodwill and contentment. It shows that there is growth and energy within your plans - luck is coming your way. The next two to three years will be lucky for you. It's about being in the right place at the right time. What goes around comes around. If you like, it's a card of fate. You're someone who is quick, shrewd and very impetuous. You are someone that needs more knowledge constantly. You are unpredictable at times and can be seen as a bit of a loner because you get very easily bored with plans and projects, but you're being asked now to look at the big changes that are on their way to you and to go for the opportunities and take advantage of them wherever you possibly can. Your plans and projects will develop in a wonderful way, providing you do not give up on them too soon. If you've been facing difficulties they will start to disappear, for this is the time for putting things right. It represents the abundance and good fortune that's coming your way. There are lots of once in a lifetime opportunities and big breaks, particularly where making money is concerned. You need to really go for it and take advantage. You've got to act like a bit of an entrepreneur. Being optimistic will play a positive approach and bring you the rich rewards you want. You'll also be having an excellent time, for this is about enjoyment, laughter and joy within your life. Expansion is what this is all about so you've got to think about what you want and go for it. Anything linked to travel, education or being intellectual or even philosophical will definitely be favoured. Jupiter is about having faith in what you want and letting doors open to the possibilities of what you want. It's about working towards these opportunities and making them manifest - in a way we create our own luck. It's about having enough faith in the future to take the risk in the present, going with your hunches and discovering the clues to have the faith that you want in your dreams, even though you don't know whether there is a guarantee. It's about the courage to keep going on your journey - for this is all about enthusiasm and hope.