You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the Knight of Cups. This is a time of good luck, for the Wheel of Fortune is about expansion, opportunity, goodwill and contentment. There's growth and energy where things are growing and getting better and better. If you like it's about being in the right place at the right time, and the next two to three years are important for you. If you like it's the card of fate or karma. It means being lucky enough to invest in the present fro the future. This is linked to your emotions which are to do with a relationship. At the moment your relationship is going from strength to strength and it is inviting you to discover new horizons that you hadn't really investigated before. It is anything from social invitations to breaking new ground and trying out new things. This is definitely a time for being enthusiastic and unpredictable. If you're not romantically entwined with somebody it shows that someone is coming into your life. This is a very elegant relationship and it is all about having fun and joy. It's all about hope and this hope continues to grow for the future. Indeed things do get better. It shows now that there's lots of opportunities not just with the romance but with discovery and everything should be jumped at, for things are really wonderful as these two cards symbolise abundance and good fortune: things that are lucky when it comes to being optimistic and having a very positive approach to life. It's time for lots of laughter, joy and entertainment. Expansion is the order of the day so this is about broadening your horizons and your boundaries. This can be anything to do with hobbies, travel, education or even just plain old friendships that you hadn't discovered before. This is all about hope and inspiration being triggered by each new encounter. This comes out in your creative work or in your emotional involvement with others. You'll probably find that your hobbies will include some sort of psychological or psychic experiences which will transform the way you see life and deepen confidence and trust that you have are revealing little patterns and meanings that make you feel comfortable, forewarned and forearmed.