You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the Queen of Wands. The Wheel of Fortune works in conjunction with Jupiter which is the planet of expansion. Now this means there's some good opportunities coming your way and the contentment you receive from it is to do with joy, happiness and laughter. There's an energy that's growing around you, this lucky time is about being in the right place at the right time. The next two to three years are pretty good for this is a card of fate, karma if you like. What's gone around is coming back to you so where you have been good you're going to multiply that and it is your turn to receive. This is to do with your work, career or hobbies. This is about the adventurous side of your nature. You are someone that enjoys the outdoors and you are physically active. You are adventurous and creative but you have a very fixed focus and sometimes that can be a little rigid. Although you're physically active and work extremely hard you're always on a mission. Indeed you like to be in charge. This is about starting something new which you love. You've got the right balance for it. Your love of the outdoors will influence your choices. This is about the physical adventures that you want to have. Don't lack faith in yourself or life because this is a fear of the future. You are now going to create your own luck by working towards the opportunities and making them manifest. You're creating your own luck by investing enough faith in the future to take the risk right now. There is no right or wrong way to go about this. You've got to go with your hunches and do whatever it is that you want. This is about the faith you've had in your dreams and making sure that you go through with them even though there are no guarantees. This is the courage you need to act on the convictions you've always wanted. This could be to do with acquisition of knowledge, languages, travel or just trying a new project or adventure that you've deeply longed for. Now is the time to strike so if you're thinking of doing something new particularly when it comes to money, work, business or career, this is the time to act. The more positive you are right now the more opportunities will come your way. Try not to limit anything. Go for everything, find out what's it about and enjoy the adventure.