You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the King of Cups. You are a loving, caring and compassionate person and you are sensitive and trusting. The Wheel of Fortune is explaining that good times are coming up, particularly when it comes to your emotional affairs. If you're in a relationship it's going to get better. If you are looking for a partner, now is the time. You're both very in touch with your emotional sides and you're mature beyond your years. This is a relationship which is going to be both loving and creative. It's sensual and you're both in harmony with the people that surround you. You've been able up to now to master the protection of unwelcome relationships and the joy now of the selected relationship. This is where your luck is coming in: there's more expansion. The opportunities you're about to go through are all about goodwill and contentment. Indeed things will get better, for there's growth and energy for the next two to three years: people call it luck, new luck, karma - whatever you like. It's about being in the right place at the right time and what's gone around is coming back to you. Where you have been good to people it is your turn to receive. This is about the abundance and the good fortune that comes perhaps once in a lifetime. There's an opportunity coming here particularly where relationships are concerned and money is not too bad either. You've got to act the entrepreneur and you must invest in being as optimistic and productive as possible in the most positive of ways. The more you invest the more expansion. It's time to enjoy life and experience laughter, fun and a creative side to your nature that possibly you've not had time for up to now. This is all about personal growth so anything you want to do now is the time to do it, whether it's an acquisition of knowledge, language, travel and, particularly as we've mentioned in your relationship, anything is possible. This is no time for you to be fearful of the future. You must have faith in yourself and in life. You will create your own luck by working towards many opportunities. This is because you have the faith in the future to take the risks in the present. Go with your hunches and intuition and discover the clues to the faith that you have in your dreams and have the courage to go through without any unknown guarantees. This is a message of enthusiasm and hope. Our greatest failure would be to invest too little.