You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the 8 of Wands. The Wheel of Fortune deals with expansion and the opportunities for goodwill and contentment for it works with the planet Jupiter which deals with growth and energy. What's going around is coming around. It's a card of fate or karma. You're in the right place now at the right time and the next two to three years are going to be lucky from now on. This is a time of actions, for you have chosen the 8 of wands and the wand family is a fire sign, it's a card of action and tangible adventure. It's the comings and goings of the outdoors and the travel and movement that goes on in our life. It's the enthusiasm you have to be physically creative. The 8 of wands explains that everything is in mid flight. Things are going to happen rather quickly from now on, for this is a card of air travel and it shows you that there are links to travel to do with air. This is a very positive time where things again are happening very quickly. Good news is on its way to you, and fast. This is usually a time offer of within 8 weeks and the 8 of wands is usually associated with Cupid's arrows of love. It shows there are big changes and the opportunities that are coming your way should be jumped at, for these are the times for you to really invest in your self and what you want from life. This is a time to be optimistic and to have the best approach in life for the more that you are happy to get involved and enjoy yourself and to work extremely hard the better the good times will be for the Wheel of Fortune is all about investing yourself in the present with no guarantee for the future for you realise that you create your own luck by having the faith in the present to let the future just with no guarantees but maximum commitment from yourself.