You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the 8 of cups. The 8 of cups shows us that you are moving on through experience of life. Now is the time for you to move forwards and on. You must leave behind an emotional gap in your life and abandon your old life as you know it. It is time to walk away, uproot and leave your old life behind you. You must do it now. Within a month new things are going to happen and you must realise that you must leave behind the things you love and care about: the fulfilment of time will show you that something new, big and powerful will come into your life. You must be brave and let go. The Wheel of Fortune is about the fact that you are linked to Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, opportunity, goodwill and contentment. It is about growing and being energised. Luck is around you now and it comes around you for two to three years. These are the good times. This is the time, if you like, of fate or karma. It's about being in the right place at the right time and trying to make things work to your maximum advantage. You must embrace any opportunities with both hands and you must in effect create your own luck. It is all very well Jupiter being around you but you need to help yourself along by realising that nothing will be happening to you unless you let it happen, i.e. you must try to take the opportunities presented to you in the present for the future to give you the growth that you deserve. Nobody can be lucky if they don't step outside the door. They must in fact do something. Yours is that you must move away from the old and create your first luck by having to move away and leave behind your old life. That way you are in full expansion and capable of being your own entrepreneur and steering your own life forwards into the opportunities that present themselves to you, where you can decide thoughtfully and carefully whether to jump into it or away from it. Either way you'll create your own luck by just simply contemplating the fact that you can move away from where you are now.