You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the Ace of Wands. There is a new beginning associated with work for you. It's usually to do with 1, 2 or 3 people. There's a new offer and a new enterprise. This offer is fertile. It's the start of something that's brand new as an enterprise. Something you have not been involved with before. This is because the Wheel of Fortune is spinning in your favour and the Wheel of Fortune's luck is going to last for two to three years. This means a new luck from now on. It's about being in the right place at the right time. What goes around comes around; If you like, karma or a card of fate. The Wheel of Fortune is controlled by the planet Jupiter which deals with expansion and opportunities. It's about goodwill and contentment. Everything you touch will grow and energise, providing your intentions are honourable and clear and you're prepared to do some hard work yourself. It represents anything to do with action, assertion or adventure. In fact anything you want to achieve is coming from you. You've got to see some movement because this enthusiasm is a power and energy that needs feeding. This is a time to branch out into something you've not done before so if it's a dream or hobby or something you've always promised yourself you would do, now is the time. If you're feeling creative use that inspiration to be as enterprising as you can. If you start a new venture the Wheel of Fortune is saying that it brings more abundance that you thought possible. It can be about once in a lifetime opportunities. This is particularly where you career is concerned and any makings of money that comes from that. If you've had a dream that you want to be an entrepreneur, now is the time to actually go for it. You must have a very positive approach. Jupiter is the planet of expansion so it's thinking big. The Wheel of Fortune is not just associated with work; it can be to do with knowledge, language, intellect or your emotional well-being. Put the whole thing together as a package, put your energies indeed into your career but remember that the more you work on yourself the more knowledgeable and experienced you become, so the bigger the dealings you can make from who you are: this is the real product.