You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the Ace of Swords. These are two excellent cards, for you have a new beginning where you have the will and the forcefulness to make sure it happens. This new beginning is inspired by a new way of thinking. There's a victory and a cutting away of the old making way for the new. This new idea is clearly going to work, for the Wheel of Fortune is working in your favour. The Wheel of Fortune is linked to the planet Jupiter which deals with expansion of opportunities. This is a time for the goodwill and contentment and growth of your person, for you are now full of energy and the mental energy is inspiring you in the right direction. You're looking at both sides, clear of the problems and hopeful of the positives and the Wheel of Fortune is telling you it is the right time. If you like it's a card of fate, about being in the right place at the right time. The next 2 to 3 years are full of fantastic opportunities and seen as very lucky for you. This is all about the kindness and the knowledge that you have gained in your life previously, for what's going around is now coming back to you. This shows abundance and good fortune. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you and you now need to be very optimistic and very much the entrepreneur. You've got to be as positive as possible, and you'll attract more by being hard- working. It's a time for enjoying yourself and really letting things take off. Expansion is what this is all about, but it's about having a good time too and realising that you're enjoying life and experiencing joy, laughter and contentment. There are plenty of good, big changes on their way to you and you really must be ready; for the harder you work, the more you'll get out of it. You've found your enthusiasm and your confidence by learning and communicating with other people, for you've realised that educating yourself is where you become confident and accepting of your own self worth. You've also realised that you are creating your own luck by allowing yourself to walk towards your opportunities - you are creating your own luck in the future because you're taking a risk in the present.