You have chosen the World and the 2 of Wands. The 2 of Wands is about a working partnership. Whether you are a team or a business partnership it shows that there is distance between the two parties. This is something that you must learn to pay the price of success for. You are contemplating and wondering whether or not you should expand or whether or not you should continue working together. The 2 of Wands is pointing out the need for separateness and that it is important that there is a gappy relationship between the two of you and that there is distance between the two parties for the World is ruled by the Planet Saturn which deals with orders and limitations, things that work best for us and for others. It's about your duty and your organisational skills in preparation for future events. You're dealing with a card of personal success, which shows you're doing really well. You are able to achieve the ultimate success and goals in your personal ambitions. In fact, you are able to achieve more than that because this goes further than just what you've contemplated. Expansion is more than you had ever dreamed possible. The achievements go on and one but maybe you are limiting yourself. Think about expanding, particularly to do with anything that deals with further a field, possibly even another country for the World is linked to travel as well. If you are thinking of going travelling on business this would be excellent. You are reliable and responsible and the more people that see you the more people you impress. You are becoming extremely professional in your dealings with matters and projects that you know best. You've learnt much from experience and that is what stands you in good stead. The mistakes in the past have been useful for you've learnt much about how to negotiate and plan and get around blockages and obstacles that have got in your path. It is time now to not underestimate your own abilities. It shows that you have learnt much and it's time to receive some of the rewards but don't settle for jus the middle, go for the top. You are climbing the ladder and there are people around who appreciate and admire your efforts, the harder you work the more you'll achieve. Just keep remembering you need time and space in which you can create something solid, something of value. Saturn works in a way that makes us want to possess our own house, our own business, something where we feel that we will be rewarded for our efforts and have something to defend ourselves against when we have worked so hard to achieve. It's a sense of self satisfaction. Of having done something rather well. Its lessons are that time and experience are the most valuable of teachers. It's about making sure that we feel that we've created something that is safe and enduring.