You have chosen the World and the 3 of Pentacles. The 3 of Pentacles is to do with your work environment. It shows that you should be somebody who is employed in a very small working environment such as a small group. You're in an elevated position right now, you're not someone that would do well being self employed. You like the company of others. You are also in a position to need to start from the bottom and work your way upwards towards promotion. This will involve plenty of skill and training. You'll need to work for lots of people such as in schools, universities, hospitals. Something that needs your full co-operation and the learning of new skills. Now, the World card is about ordering and limiting what you feel is important in your own life. It's your duty to organise and prepare for future events for the World links to the Planet Saturn. Now this is a time to look at your own personal successes and the achievements that you've set out for yourself. It's time to realise that you're heading for your top goal. There's world wide potential in what you're doing which means there's plenty of expansion, more than you possible thought. You're achieving more than you set out to do and so you're stimulated into learning more knowledge and gaining more of a sense of self worth and achievement. This also of course comes with the material gift - that of the money that you earn. It is about your need to create something from which you feel that you can create a sense of self worth, something that you feel is of value to you that will probably outlive your lifetime. It's about making some contribution, something that you feel is of value, where you feel a sense of pride and self worth from having done something extremely well and gained the respect of those around you. It's the kind of thing that makes us take risks and go ahead and develop and keep pushing that will give us some sort of material gain like that of wanting to own our own home.