You have chosen the World and the 10 of Swords. The 10 of Swords shows that you've been made the scapegoat and you've been humiliated and embarrassed by a group of people. There's nothing physical in your loss. You were stabbed in the back and you were made to take the brunt of the whole behaviour on behalf of everyone but you've realised there's a lesson here and you're extracting from that lesson what you needed to know. Everything comes to those who wait. You're now going to receive the rewards for all your hard work and you're realise that the results are better. The people that have opted for the simple, easy way out will get nowhere. You're now able to realise what went wrong and how you can avoid making the same mistakes in the future so your ego really does need to go back where it belongs and you need to keep working hard on your plans and your projects for you're about to get the prestige that you desired. You underestimated your own abilities and you were scared of failing but you're now being kinder to yourself for you've realised that you need to work hard and you continue to do so and that happiness is now following. The success of your plans has been sheer hard work and many important lessons extracted from living your life for Saturn works with the world and it shows us that time and experience are the only true teachers. You're now realising that you've worked extremely hard to create something that's solid and enduring and you've been self sufficient. You've taken a pride in the self respect that you have gained in doing something extremely well and handling very difficult people in difficult circumstances that did not support you in any way. You've proved to yourself that you've done this alone and although you were humiliated you need to realise there is such an important lesson here. These people gave up, fled when the going got tough. You were left to take the brunt of it all and look at you, you've come out of this in a most amazing way, realising how much you've achieved and how much you've expanded for you're someone who's really tested everything out and made huge sacrifices. Because you was so committed you've worked for yourself and you now know the importance of self reliance and the separateness of working on your own and achieving your personal ambitions. These are greater than you thought possible and you've proved to yourself you really can do this. These lessons were difficult and painful, however, you're the one now that has more wisdom and experience and understanding of how to develop your next huge ambition. These other people have gone back to the same stage, repeating the same mistakes and never moving forwards for they've learnt nothing - you're the one that's won.