You have chosen the World and the 10 of Pentacles. The 10 of Pentacles is indeed a card of very big money. There are large financial transactions around you, perhaps from family money or real estate. Maybe you've dealt with the buying and selling of land or houses. The World signifies that you have a duty to organise and prepare for your future events. You are someone who is able to succeed and achieve for you have personal ambition. You may have had the added advantage of having money from family whether this is inheritance or hereditary but you have the personal desire and fulfilment to expand more than you thought possible for you are driven by achievement and ambition. The World card signifies that you can go on to have the wealth of knowledge to travel, communicate, with different cultures in different lands. Maybe you want to educate yourself so much that you do not know where to start, but you are thrilled and excited at the opportunity to have the choice and the freedom to energise yourself with the stimulation of taking part in this exciting knowledge and self discovery for the World works in conjunction with the Planet Saturn which deals with our duties in preparing for our future but it is usually based on experience. Saturn makes us want to create structures that are solid and enduring, from which we feel that we have proved our sense of worth and value. It's the kind of thing that causes us to want to possess our own home for we are able to defend what we've worked for and have the true sense of self respect in having done something extremely well. It's all about the dimension in our life that makes us feel safe that we must test. We have to work for it ourselves and sometimes we need to be self reliant in order to fill our sense of self worth, so the World is all about our hobbies, desires and what we want from relationships, friends, family, knowledge, travel, hobbies, interests, sports, everything and anything that stimulates and focuses and causes us to be the unique blueprint we are as a human being.