You have chosen the World and the 10 of Cups. The World is all about your personal success. It's about the ultimate achievement of your own personal ambitions. It's heading for top goal and everlasting goals. Wider with more potential and more desire and more fulfilment than you thought possible. The order of the World is to expand and do more and bigger than you thought was possible to achieve. The World is a card of achievement and it symbolises the wealth and knowledge of living a happy and healthy lifestyle. It supports your grand lifestyle and tells you to keep moving towards the completion of what you desire for yourself, but the World deals with the Planet Saturn which is the order and limitations in our world. It is your duty to organise and prepare for future events for yourself. This is linked to the 10 of Cups which is about living together in a strong relationship. It shows that you must plan for a large group such as a family where there is a gathering, for the 10 of Cups is one of the most positive cards in the pack. It's about the blissful happy times that you will have as a group, being part of a family. It's a dreamy, very successful relationship which really does keep leading on to more happiness. This fulfilment of happiness is within a marriage or a relationship which usually links with having children, a home or animals that support your togetherness, within your unit for the 10 of Cups is one of the happiest cards in the pack. Linked with the World, you're being asked to prepare for your future as a family. The World works with the Planet Saturn which is about our need to create something that's solid, a structure in which we can live peacefully. So you're being asked to look at something as a family where you work together or you work towards planning for a family. Saturn is all about the kind of thing that affects our life that makes us want to defend ourselves and to show others that we're doing ok. It's the card of self sufficiency that we have in having done something well so it shows and describes your desire to see your theory proven and to take risks in your emotional world and help yourself get together with friends and loved ones so that you all come together working towards something that helps you feel that you've gained self sufficiency. Saturn is all about the kind of thing that wants to make us possess our own home so that we feel that we are safe and we've created something that has shown everybody that we've achieved the ultimate success, not only for yourself but for your family.